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She entered, and found herself suddenly face to face with the man whom she had met at Ichim, whom she had seen at Tomsk; face to face with the one whose villainous hand would an instant later betray the town! "Ivan Ogareff!" she cried. On hearing his name pronounced, the wretch started. His real name known, all his plans would be balked.

The converted Jew, Ilya Markovitch, whom the peasants here idolize so I was told gave me horses to drive to Tomsk. The "president," the secretary and I got into the same conveyance. All the way the "president" told lies, drank out of the bottle, boasted that he did not take bribes, raved about the scenery, and shook his fist at the tramps that he met. We drove fifteen versts, then halt!

He was resolved in his idea of going as far as Tomsk "at the Emir's expense," and indeed he was right. As he observed the numerous detachments which scoured the plain on the convoy's flanks, now to the south, now to the north, it was evident that before he could have gone two versts he must have been recaptured.

No, really, we can't say anything about the weather. We must be original. "Er have you been to any theatres lately?" No, no, everybody says that. Well, then, what can we say? Let us try again. "How do you do. Er I see by the paper this evening that the Bolsheviks have captured Omsk." "Captured Whatsk?" "Omsk." Or was it Tomsk?

On the last half of the route the yemshicks did not take us to the stations but to the houses of their friends where we promptly obtained horses at the regular rates. The peasants between Tomsk and Barnaool own many horses, and are pleased at the opportunity to earn a little cash with them. Snow, darkness, and slumber prevented our seeing much of the road during the night.

Last night I drove with the officers about the town. We heard someone cry "help" six times. It must have been someone being murdered. We went to look, but could not find anyone. The cabs in Irkutsk have springs. It is a better town than Ekaterinburg or Tomsk. Quite European. Everything I have is crumpled, dirty, torn! I look like a pickpocket. I shall not bring you any furs most likely.

It is a rough road working round by the north of Lake Baikal; but you had better take that way, it is safer than by the south. But no doubt if you are careful you might go that way too. Then the summer after, if you can get away again, you can give up at Tomsk.

In 1879 he was imprisoned and then deported to Viatka. He remained there a year. Thence he was sent to the miserable town of Kama, and a few months later to Tomsk, where he learned that they wanted to exile him to Siberia. In a letter, published by a newspaper, he eloquently protested against the persecutions of which he was the unhappy victim.

One thing he knew; he must not pass through Tomsk. To go to Kolyvan, which the Tartars had not yet reached, was possible. Yes, that is what he must do; there he must prepare himself for another long stage. There was nothing for it but, having crossed the Obi, to take the Irkutsk road and avoid Tomsk. This new route decided on, Michael must not delay an instant.

TOMSK, founded in 1604, nearly in the heart of the Siberian provinces, is one of the most important towns in Asiatic Russia. Tobolsk, situated above the sixtieth parallel; Irkutsk, built beyond the hundredth meridian have seen Tomsk increase at their expense. And yet Tomsk, as has been said, is not the capital of this important province.