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What th' coort ought to've done was to call him up, an' say: 'Lootgert, where's ye'er good woman? If Lootgert cudden't tell, he ought to be hanged on gin'ral principles; f'r a man must keep his wife around th' house, an' whin she isn't there, it shows he's a poor provider. But, if Lootgert says, 'I don't know where me wife is, the coort shud say: 'Go out, an' find her.

And when foreign folks and Northerners from them abolition States bring free niggers into South Carolina, and then go to comparing them to white folks, they better be mighty careful how they stir about. South Carolina ought to've seceded last year, when she talked about it, and sent every Yankee home to make shoe-pegs. We wouldn't bin insulted then, as we are now.

Early one morning I overheard a conversation between two of these youthful guards: "Say, Bill, I heerd that you shot a Yank last night?" "Now, you just bet I did. God! you jest ought to've heerd him holler." Evidently the juvenile murderer had no more conception that he had committed crime than if he had killed a rattlesnake.

And when you do come down, we'll take a turn that won't be pleasant to some of us. Crop and I took the hint and sat still, thinkin' maybe he'd get over his pet and move off; but he did'nt lean that way at all. He seemed to've made up his mind to stay there as long as we stayed on the log, be the same more or less.

"You ought to've seen Sneezer do it!" cried another of the colored children. "Sneezer could do it fine. Couldn't he, Miss Phil?" "Sneezer was a great dancer," admitted the oldest Armatage girl. "Come on, now, Bunkers, and see Mammy June. Keep away from this cabin," she added to the colored children, "or I'll call a ha'nt out of the swamp to chase you."

On a cruise along the water front I found a whole lot of people. I saw Wesley Marrs and Tommie Ohlsen sorrowful and neither saying much looking after their vessels Ohlsen seeing to a new gaff. "I ought to've lost," said Ohlsen. "Look at that for a rotten piece of wood." Sam Hollis was around, too, trying to explain how it was he didn't win the race.

"He's dead in yearnest, jest as I told you," said Sneak; "for that gun kicked him on the shoulder hard enough to kill a cow and the hind side of his head struck my tooth hard enough to've kilt a horse. He's broke one of my upper fore-teeth smack in two." "Every man to his post!" exclaimed Boone, as a shower of arrows rattled about the premises.

Well, one time I was knockin' around up there in Coconino when I ought to've been at home, and I come to a big plain or perairie that was seventy miles across, and I got lost on that big plain, right in the dead of winter. They was an awful cold wind blowin' at the time, but I could see the mountains on the other side and so I struck out for 'em.

Miss Morgan asked. "That queer-looking duck waving his hand at me like that. Except he's the Sharon girls' uncle I don't know him from Adam." "You don't need to," she said. "He wasn't waving his hand to you: he meant me." "Oh, he did?" George was not mollified by the explanation. "Everybody seems to mean you! You certainly do seem to've been pretty busy this week you've been here!"

You ought to've remembered that absence makes the heart grow fonder." To better show her contempt, she turned her back on him. He instantly stepped forward beside Blake and began pouring out a glass of the champagne. He smiled suavely, but his eyes narrowed, and his full lower lip twisted askew.