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And in another pocket was a guide-book, much thumbed, and between two of the leaves, slipped as if to mark a place, was a registered envelope. "That'll be what he got yesterday afternoon!" I exclaimed. "I'm certain it was whatever there was in it that made him send me out last night, and maybe the letter in it'll tell us something." However, there was no letter in the envelope there was nothing.

The dismay, the terror, the panic, the protestations, the entreaties and execrations of all the five, kept us at least from ENNUI for many a weary mile. I doubt whether the two priests ever thumbed their breviaries so devoutly in their lives. Perhaps that brought us salvation. We reached Vera Cruz without adventure, and in the autumn of '51 Fred and I landed safely at Southampton.

Dodge opened a pocket-book, out of which he took six or eight slips of printed paper, that had been preserved with care, though obviously well thumbed.

Long Ede shifted from one cramped elbow to another and pushed his Bible nearer the blaze, murmuring, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil our vines." "Full hand," the Snipe announced. "Ay." David Faed rolled the quid in his cheek. The cards were so thumbed and tattered that by the backs of them each player guessed pretty shrewdly what the other held.

What can I say to him? What can I do?" He pulled out a well thumbed letter from his pocket and read it to himself, though he knew every word by heart. "DEAR FATHER RYAN, I am pleased at your success, especially that you built the church, as I told you to, without debt. The congregation is too poor for any such burden. I will be there for the dedication on the 26th. "And by the way.

Half a dozen times I fended with my intact arm. Then he got the poor mangled arm again, closed down, and stripped the meat off the bone from the shoulder down to the elbow-joint, where his teeth met and he was free of his second mouthful of me. But, at the same time, with my good arm, I thumbed out his remaining eye." Percival Delaney shrugged his shoulders, ere he resumed.

I had thumbed and scanned hundreds of ancient pages, some of them manuscript; I had sat by ancient shelves upon hard chairs, I had sneezed with the ancient dust, and I had not put my finger upon a trace of the right Fanning. I should have given it up, left unexplored the territory that remained staring at me through the backs of unread volumes, had it not been for my Aunt Carola.

"I thought it might be the last word in the message Haskell," ventured Willis. Mr. Farriss paused a moment, then, "Boy!" he yelled through the open door. "Boy, get me an atlas here quick, or I'll hang your hair on a proof-hook!" A young hopeful, frightened into frenzy, obeyed with alacrity, and Farriss, seizing the atlas from his hand, thumbed it until he found a map of Colorado.

Clubbing it, he smashed two others as fast as they dived in. Shank rushed, his gun winking spurts of fire. Kid Wolf could not spare his enemies now. His own life depended on his flashing Colt. He lined the tip of his front sight and thumbed the hammer. Thr-r-r-rup! Shank gasped, as lead tore through him. He dropped headfirst, arms outstretched. "Get on the hoss!" The Kid yelled at Robbins.

Mike's eyes drifted towards Jim and Aurora several times during the evening, and he thumbed his chin in a troubled way. He had been thinking it was almost time to try fresh fields; but it was not going to be so easy a matter to shift as he had imagined.