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To think that I did not look him up at once when that awful thing happened!" As a matter of fact, she had not done so because at the time of my mother's death her house had been agog with a trouble of its own. But of this presently She handed me a three-ruble bill and set about filling up the gaps in my eating calendar and substituting fat "days" for lean ones.

Thoughts of home grew stronger the nearer he approached it far stronger, as though this feeling of his was subject to the law by which the force of attraction is in inverse proportion to the square of the distance. At the last post station before Otradnoe he gave the driver a three-ruble tip, and on arriving he ran breathlessly, like a boy, up the steps of his home.

"What ails Yásha?" asked Platonída Ivánovna, as she handed Paramón Paramónitch a three-ruble bank-note on the threshold. The district doctor, who, like all contemporary doctors, especially those of them who wear a uniform, was fond of showing off his learned terminology, informed her that her nephew had all the dioptric symptoms of nervous cardialgia, and that febris was present also.

She is to sing a romance by Glinka ... and one by Tchaikóvsky, and then she will recite the letter from 'Evgény Onyégin' Come now! Wilt thou take a ticket?" "But when is it to be?" "To-morrow ... to-morrow, at half-past one, in a private hall, on Ostozhyónka Street.... I will come for thee. A ticket at five rubles?... Here it is.... No, this is a three-ruble ticket. Here it is.