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Hector had the habit as he walked along of pulling off the leaves of any shrub or tree he passed, from mere thoughtlessness, not with any idea of examining their shape or character. "Where's Hector got to?" suddenly exclaimed Paul. "There he is," said Mr Hayward; then he shouted, "Come back, Hector; come back! Don't touch those shrubs."

To take the first of these Cruelty to Animals. Of course there are three kinds: Legalized cruelty, cruelty caused by thoughtlessness, and cruelty caused in order to give pleasure to men and women. Of the first well, of course this has to do with vivisection, said to be carried on for the advancement of science and for the sake of alleviating the sufferings of humanity.

The holidays, anticipated with delight, ended in pain, though still she cherished a hope that what alarmed her might be boyish thoughtlessness of no importance in itself, and only magnified by her fears. She was encouraged in this by finding that Lord Marchmont, when he saw him once in London, thought him a very fine, promising boy, and that Mr. and Mrs.

You are too dignified for me to suit you, sir." "But, Miss Everdene!" "I I didn't I know I ought never to have dreamt of sending that valentine forgive me, sir it was a wanton thing which no woman with any self-respect should have done. If you will only pardon my thought- lessness, I promise never to " "No, no, no. Don't say thoughtlessness!

You are still of that number, I like to think so, and our commission holds good where you are concerned, if you will allow it." Then she mentioned to me that poor Duchesse de la Valliere, to whom I was once compelled by my unhappy star to give umbrage, and whom, in my fatal thoughtlessness, I had afflicted without desiring it.

And since our pilgrim's meal is finished, let us go apart to prepare for our journey tomorrow, and to advise on the manner in which these children shall be employed, and what measures we can adopt to supply their thoughtlessness and lack of discretion."

They sleep, and forget their sorrows, and awaken, either to fresh woes, as soon to be obliterated, or to vain joys, yet briefer, and more fleeting. Thoughtlessness to the younganguish to the oldsuch is mortality! And what beyond?—aye, what?—what that we should so toil, so suffer, to be virtuous? Is it a dream, all a dreamthis futurity?

A true relation of the thoughtlessness of youth, and the artifices whereby women enthrall their lovers. "I am afraid!" said Michal, when she found herself in the middle of the dark forest. "What's there to be afraid of?" cried Pirka.

Their places did not fill up, and the promised weekly income was reduced to twenty-four dollars. At the end of the third quarter, Mr. Cameron again recollected that he had neglected to bring up a check from the counting-room, and blamed himself for his thoughtlessness. "I am so full of business," said he, "that I sometimes neglect these little things." "But it's a downright shame, Mr.

Most unluckily as it afterward turned out instead of taking the pocketbook to the tea-caddy, I went into my room first to take the tea-caddy to the pocketbook. I only acted in this roundabout way from sheer thoughtlessness, and severely enough I was punished for it, as you will acknowledge yourself when you have read a page or two more of my story.