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It was as if it had awakened in a fit of delirium, and given itself up to a wild travesty of its years of peaceful work. Shep was creeping about in the darkness. "Look here! We've got to stop this clatter somehow. The stones are hot now. The whole thing'll burn up like tinder if we can't chock her wheels." "Shep! Does thee mean it?" "Thee'll see if I don't. Thee won't need any lantern either."

It don't make any difference, though, whether they put the sign up or not. Nobody thinks any thing'll hurt a boy; but they're glad enough to 'allow' us when there's any errands to be done, and"

Fielding was affectionately called "the Governor" by his subordinates and friends. "We all have our likes and dislikes," rejoined Dicky casually, and blew smoke in the eyes of the Farshoot. "Aye, aw've seen places that bad! but Hasha has taaste of its own in Goovnur's mouth, ma life on't!" "Never can tell when a thing'll pall on the taste. Hasha's turn with the Governor now, eh?" rejoined Dicky.

I simply cannot thole the look. And he knows it too. The thing'll gang smash at the outset I'm talling ye, now it'll go smash at the outset if it's left to me. And than, ye see, you have a better way of approaching folk!" "Ith that tho?" said the Deacon dryly. He shot a suspicious glance to see if the Provost was guying him.

"Of course," he was concluding, "the thing'll wabble a good deal, specially if it's as windy as this, and it won't be easy to work on, but it won't fall if we make everything fast." Pete had listened pretty closely at first, but now Bannon noticed that his attention seemed to be wandering to a point a few inches above Bannon's head. He was about to ask what was the matter when he found out.

"If this hyur thing'll carry fur enuf, I kin," was the reply. "It will kill at a thousand yards, point blank," cried the major, with energy. "Ha! are you sure of that, Major?" I asked. "Certainly, Captain. I got it from the inventor. We tried it at Washington. It is loaded with a conical bullet. It bored a hole through an inch plank at that distance." "Well.

"You come on!" he gasped. "The whole thing'll go in a minute. She'll go down by the head!" He tried to catch the boy up in his arms, but the Red Un struck him on the nose. "Let me go, you big stiff!" he cried, and kicked himself free. Not all the men had gone. They were working like fiends. It was up to the bulkhead now. If it held if it only held long enough to get the passengers off!

"I hope this thing'll be brought to a focus to-day, and the question settled as to who shall occupy this piece of real estate," said Shorty, as he and Si finished a generous breakfast, filled their boxes and pockets with cartridges, and began knocking the dried mud off their clothes and rubbing the rust from their guns. "I want them gents in brown clothes to clear out and leave.

"'Ave another pint." Sam had one, but it only made 'im more solemn, and he got in quite a temper as 'e spoke about casuals loafing about on Tower Hill with their 'ands in their pockets, and taking gold lockets out of the mouths of hard-working sailormen. "It mightn't be found yet," ses the man, speaking thoughtful-like. "It's wonderful how long a thing'll lay sometimes.

Do you know, I've come quite to despise money and stock, and all that sort of thing. I haven't had my banker's book home these last three months. Only think of that now." "But how can I help you, Mr Cheesacre?" "Just say one word, and the thing'll be done. Say you'll be my wife? I'll be so good to you. I will, indeed. As for your fortune, I don't care that for it!