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I arose from my chair and paced the room for two or three minutes, wondering what I could say. Of course the man was lying, I thought. Then I pulled myself together. "Barney," I said, severely, "what's the use? Do you expect me to believe any such cock-and-bull story as that?" "No, sorr," said he. "But thim's the facts." "Do you mean to say that this house of mine is haunted?" I cried.

"Don't put thim in your mouth; thim's the never-wake-up berries." He came down off the rock, hand over fist, flung the poisonous things away, and looked into Emmeline's small mouth, which at his command she opened wide. There was only a little pink tongue in it, however, curled up like a rose-leaf; no sign of berries or poison.

We had gone but a short distance when I overheard Private Clary, one of the mounted men, who was riding near me, say to Private Hoey beside him. "D'ye moind the cut uv thim chaps' hair, Jarge?" "Indade I do that, Tom," replied George. "Thim's no Navihos!" "Not a bit uv it. I'd as soon expict to see one in currls!"

Bring water to the thirsty be gravitation an' a four-inch main, an' shtrengthen the Bowl of the Subadar wid hay-cake, for he'll want it agin the day he laves Tamai behind! Go back to y'r condinsation, Coolin, an' take truth to y'r Bowl that there's many ways to die, an' one o' thim's in the commysariat, Coolin shame for ye!"

Here's the bhoy that's afraid to ate an eyester fur fear av hurtin' the baste, an' that's goin' to hump Marahemo down to the farrum, aal so bould an' gay! Shure now, thim's the shouldhers that can do that same!" After a brief, friendly passage of arms between the two, the Saint continued hotly

Not understanding their orders, or carried away by the excitement of the moment, they engaged the enemy with the unfortunate results to which you allude. "Av it would have been proper for a corporal, I would have asked the Gineral what Johnny Reb would do while we were taching him all that. Thim's the Gineral's exact words, for I paid particular attention.

Not that I think much of the Continental nobility. Between you and me, I think they're a beggarly lot." "Thrue for you," said the chief. "Thim's me own sintimints." "Why, sir," continued Russell, who evidently thought he was making a deep impression, and so went on all the more in his vainglorious boastings, "some of these here Continental nobility ain't worth a brass farthing.

"Oh; they did not say anything about murder, or doing for him? perhaps the prisoner and the other boys agreed to do for him?" "Maybe they did maybe you were there; only if so I disremember you; but thim's not the words I swore to." "Well, they didn't agree to sod him, or kill him, or murder him, or do for him; what was it they were to do for him?" "They were to rid the counthry of him."

Thim's the times ye'll find out what masons arre made av, me b'y." I confess this probability did not seem as brilliant to me as it did to him, but it had its humor. I expressed wonder that he would hire them if they were such a bad lot. "Where else will ye get min?" he demanded to know. "The unions have the best, an' the most av thim. Thim outside fellies don't amount to much.

"Thim?" said the Rough Red. "Thim? Hell, NO! Thim's my bodyguard. They can lick their weight in wild cats, and I'd loike well to see the gang of highbankers that infists this river thry to pry thim out. We weren't sint here to wurrk; we were sint here to foight." "Fight? Why?" asked Orde. "Oh, I dunno," replied the Rough Red easily.