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But Coolin, being industrious at his trencher, often had dreams, and one more or less horrible about Connor had not seemed to him to matter at all. It had sufficed, however, to give him a cue to chaff the man who had knocked the wind out of Subadar Goordit Singh, and who must pay for it one hour or another in due course, as Coolin and the Berkshires knew full well.

A correspondence ensued with Dupleix, who, seeing the immense advantage it would be to him to gain what would virtually be the position of patron and protector of the Subadar of the Deccan, and the Nawab of the Carnatic, at once agreed to join them.

It shows the bridge in the distance, which the fire of the Sikhs made too hot for the Chitralis, who had to cross over the hills in the daytime. Then I took Harley and the two native officers of the 14th Sikhs, Subadar Gurmuskh Singh and Jemadar Atta Singh. Atta Singh put on white gloves to grace the occasion, but evidently trembled violently during the exposure.

Subadar Goordit Singh heard the remarks, and, loving his welted, gibbet-headed charger as William Connor loved any woman who came his way, he spat upon the ground the sergeant's foot covered, and made an evil-smiling remark.

"No, you are not," replied the Mehtar; "you are Subadar Dilawur of the Guides, a heretic and an infidel." "Quite true," answered Dilawur readily; "I was at one time a subadar of the Guides, but I have been many things in my time, and now I am a mullah." "I have reliable information," said the Mehtar, "that you are in the secret employment of the British Government."

At noon, therefore, on a hot September day the little party set off on their forty mile march along the dusty, treeless road to Amritsar. Subadar, a native commissioned officer commanding a company of infantry. Marching all that day, and the greater part of the following night, Rasul Khan arrived in the vicinity of the fort just as day was breaking.

And the native guard said: 'Yes, Subadar Sahib, in deference to his age and his air of distinction; but they did not know who he was. In those days the gathering in Lalun's little white room was always large and talked more than before.

The nawab was killed, and one of his sons, Maphuz Khan, taken prisoner. The other, Muhammud Ali, bolted at the beginning of the fight. Arcot, the capital of the Carnatic, surrendered next day. "Muzaffar Jung proclaimed himself Subadar of the Deccan, and appointed Chunda Sahib Nawab of the Carnatic.

Subadar Goordit Singh heard the remarks, and, loving his welted, gibbet- headed charger as William Connor loved any woman who came his way, he spat upon the ground the sergeant's foot covered, and made an evil- smiling remark.

"Yes," said he, "a man was sent in to me about a week ago from down the line a thorough gentleman whoever he is. Of course I did all I could for him. He had his two servants and some silver cooking-pots, and he looked for all the world like a native officer. I called him Subadar Sahib; just as well to be on the safe side, y'know.