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Indeed I did not, answers GERTRUDE in a hurt tone; not even the eentiest teentiest bit of it. What time will the dinner begin, grandfather? asks WALTER. About twelve o'clock noon, I expect, GRANDFATHER answers. And I suppose, says WALTER in a sorrowful voice, that the pudding will be the last thing of all. Yes, I suppose so, GRANDFATHER admits.

I wish I had the teentiest bit of a sandwidge." "Poor dear," cried Peggy, "I believe I'm hungry myself." And then with surprising unanimity, each picnicker from Aunt Abigail down, declared herself on the verge of starvation. The big baskets were taken from the wagon, a red and white checked table-cloth spread upon the grass, and various appetizing viands set out in order.

"Your father, most likely," continued the loquacious Lois. "My father!" and Edith laughed scornfully, "Mr. Arthur ain't big enough to be anybody's father or yes, maybe he's big enough, for he's awful tall. But he's got the teentiest whiskers growing you ever saw," and Edith's nose went up contemptuously at Arthur's darling mustache.

You are too fat to run fast. I nearly missed it. And anyway, you would have stuck in the middle of that teentiest hole and old Tom would have chewed your tail right off." "True, quite true," echoed Mother Graymouse, wagging her head solemnly. One fine morning in midsummer, Mother Graymouse and her family started upon their annual outing. Mrs.

Clark said something about something being as many as the hairs of your head, and there was a bald-headed man who sat right in front of us, and he only had the teentiest bit of hair, just like a little lambrequin around his head. So I thought I could easily count his hairs, because they were so straight and so long, and so few of them, anyway.

"Perhaps," she began slowly, "mind, I don't say for sure, but only perhaps, if you'll all live a brave, patient, cheerful story, with never a bit of a whine in it, from now until to-morrow noon, well, who knows what may happen!" "A cherry pudding may!" cried the irrepressible Elsie. "Oh, Miss Lucy, I won't whine or cry, no matter how bad you hurt my hip when you dress it not the teentiest bit!

But it did not take much stuff for their dresses and they could steal through the tiniest, teentiest holes, which was often very handy for the whole family." How they all clapped for Tiny and Teenty! "Hush!" cautioned Mother Graymouse. "If we make too much noise, the Giant may be angry and turn us out of our cosy home."