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Sift two cups of flour with three teaspoons of salt in it, make into a dough by adding enough sweet milk to make soft as biscuit dough. Break off small pieces and roll between the hands in the shape of croquettes. Remove the cover and brown on the other side. Make a noodle dough with as many eggs as desired, roll out somewhat thin, cut in strips four inches long by one inch wide.

Sift one cup of flour with two teaspoons of baking-powder, one teaspoon of salt, add one cup of rolled oats, one tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of melted butter, mix with one-half cup of milk. Drop by teaspoons onto a greased pan, press well into each two or three raisins, or a split date and bake for twenty minutes in a hot oven. Can be served with butter, honey, or maple sugar.

Teapot, teacups, teaspoons, were all more or less curious in their eyes; tea, sugar, biscuit, and butter, were articles of human consumption seen by many of them for the first time. My pursuit, were of course utterly beyond their comprehension. They continually asked me what white people did with the birds and insects I tools so much care to preserve.

Sprinkle thickly with sugar, lightly with cinnamon, and drop bits of butter over the top. Bake a nice even brown. One cup of butter, and a little salt; cut through just enough flour to thoroughly mix, a cup of ice-water, one whole egg and the yolks of two eggs mixed with a tablespoon of brown sugar. Add to the flour in which you have previously sifted two teaspoons of baking-powder.

'That's your account, said Joe, 'and I wouldn't give another sixpence, if I was to be boiled for not doing it. Who's next? Mrs. Dilber was next. Sheets and towels, a little wearing apparel, two old fashioned silver teaspoons, a pair of sugar-tongs, and a few boots. Her account was stated on the wall in the same manner. 'I always give too much to ladies.

Time to bake, five to ten minutes. Pack them away when cold in a stone jar or tin cake-box. These cookies will keep a long time. Rub one cup of butter and one cup of sugar to a cream; add two eggs and two level teaspoons of baking-powder, flour enough to make a dough. Flavor with vanilla, roll very thin, spread with beaten white of egg and sugar. Proceed as for sugar cookies.

In short, teaspoons are to the Covers what the salt-cellar was to the ancient Latin races. "But at the time, though I could not help observing symptoms of suppressed excitement, the Cove behaved with an outward calm which struck me as highly creditable.

Sift three cups of flour in a big bowl with a teaspoon of salt and three teaspoons of baking-powder; stir this a little at a time in the bowl with the other ingredients, until the mixture is a light dough, just stiff enough to roll out.

Rachel sitting gorgeous on the Chesterfield amid an enormous twilit welter and litter of disarranged chairs and tables; empty teapots, cups, jugs, and glasses; dishes of fragmentary remains of cake and chocolate; plates smeared with roseate ham, sticky teaspoons, loaded ash-trays, and a large general crumby mess Rachel, the downright, the contemner of silly social prejudices and all nonsense, was actually puffed up because she had a servant in a cap and because automobiles had deposited elegant girls at her door and whirled them off again.

The teaspoons tinkled all round the table. This was the usual sign of approbation, instead of the clapping of hands. The young Doctor paused, and looked round among The Teacups. "I beg your pardon," he said, "for taking up so much of your time with medicine.