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Always, too, it seemed to hinge upon Tom Verity's visit, and something in her relation to the young man himself which she could not define. She revolved the question now Theresa being safely packed off to her tea-party in shade of the ilex trees, with solemn eyes and finely serious face. There was not anything unusual in receiving visitors at The Hard.

Long before you get this, you will have read, in the American papers, details hidden from us, though we know more about this event than about most battles. You remember the tea-party I had for the boys in our ambulance in June? Well, among the soldiers here that day was a chap named Litigue. He was wounded his second time on September 25, the first day of the battle.

All kinds of stories were at once set afloat, and, like those at a ladies' tea-party, were not much entitled to consideration. It was generally supposed that we were on the eve of a great battle. At daylight, September 21st, were again ordered to move, and were soon on the road. But before we had gone one mile came to a halt.

Regardless of the fall, she gathered herself up, and, with the light heart of one who has gained a victory in the performance of duty, ran off to her miserable home in the back slums. Some time after the small tea-party described in our last chapter, Philip Maylands was invested with all the dignity, privileges, and emoluments of an "Out-door Boy Telegraph Messenger" in the General Post-Office.

It affected neither his appetite, nor his spirits, nor his wardrobe. He made as many puns and smoked as many pipes as usual. He did not even buy a new hat. If, in fact, he had not told me himself, I should never have guessed that anything whatever was the matter with him. It came out one day when he was pressing me to go with him to a certain tea-party at Madame Marotte's, in the Rue St. Denis.

She walked out into the garden, lost in thought upon these dark and deep matters. Presently she heard a step behind her, and Elsie's father came up and joined her. Since his introduction to Helen at the distinguished tea-party given by the Widow Rowens, and before her coming to sit with Elsie, Mr.

But all his consideration for the company had counted for nothing; likewise all his efforts to convince the marshal that he was a leisure-class person. In spite of all Hal's "tea-party manners," the marshal had said, "You agitators!" What was he judging by, Hal wondered. Had he, Hal Warner, come to look like one of these blind, irresponsible persons? It was time that he took stock of himself!

"At any rate I'll never go there again!" said Alice, as she picked her way through the wood. "It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!" Just as she said this, she noticed that one of the trees had a door leading right into it. "That's very curious!" she thought. "But everything's curious to-day. I think I may as well go in at once." And in she went.

"There won't be any apples and books today," said Kathleen. "No, but we'll do the babiest thing we can do the minute we get home. We'll have a dolls tea-party. That'll make us feel as if there wasn't really any magic." "It'll have to be a very strong tea party, then," said Kathleen doubtfully.

"I'm to start to-morrow, so this is my last free night. Aren't you glad some people are coming in to tea?" "Yes." Fanny, recalled to the immediate present, began her preparations for the tea-party. "Josh'll be pleased to hear of your luck, Toni; he's real fond of you, you know." "Is he?" Toni, pulling off her flannel blouse, spoke a trifle absently. "Yes.