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More she had owned to, but things of inferior importance, and partaking more of the nature of earthly tricks than of spiritual power. She had spoken of carefully adjusted strings, by which all the crockery in Pastor Tappau's house could be pulled down or disturbed; but of such intelligible malpractices the gossips of Salem took little heed.

My aunt is gone to the prayer meeting at Pastor Tappau's, and Manasseh is away. Lois went on speaking to give Faith time, for the girl had become deadly white at the intelligence, while, at the same time, her eyes met the keen, cunning eyes of the old Indian with a peculiar look of half-wondering awe, while Nattee's looks expressed triumphant satisfaction.

It was almost the only occupation which could draw him out of his secluded habits. He stopped suddenly at the door on seeing Lois, and alone, for she had avoided him of late in every possible way. 'Where is my mother? 'At a prayer meeting at Pastor Tappau's. She has taken Prudence. Faith has left the room this minute.

What care I? She has done harm enough with her charms and her sorcery on Pastor Tappau's girls. Let her die, and let all other witches look to themselves; for there be many kinds of witchcraft abroad. Cousin Lois, thou wilt like best to stop with Pastor Nolan, or I would pray thee to come back with me to breakfast. Lois was not to be daunted by jealous sarcasm.

She gave me corn-cakes, the last time I was at Pastor Tappau's, just like any other woman, only, perchance, a trifle more good-natured; and to think of her being a witch after all! But Faith seemed in a hurry to reach home, paid no attention to Prudence's talking.

And once I met her in the dusk, just close by Pastor Tappau's house, in company with Hota, his servant it was just before we heard of the sore disturbance in his house and I have wondered if she had aught to do with it. Faith sat very still, as if thinking.

This strange child seemed to be tossed about by varying moods: to-day she was caressing and communicative, to-morrow she might be deceitful, mocking, and so indifferent to the pain or sorrows of others that you could call her almost inhuman. 'So thou dost not like Pastor Tappau's prayers? she whispered. Lois was sorry to have been overheard, but she neither would nor could take back her words.

Tappau's house, and his two little daughters were the first supposed to be bewitched; but round about, from every quarter of the town, came in accounts of sufferers by witchcraft. There was hardly a family without one of these supposed victims.

Both may exist, but they are so far away that I defy them. Why, all this ado about Mr. Tappau's house promise me never to tell living creature, and I will tell you a secret. 'No! said Lois, terrified. 'I dread all secrets. I will hear none.

Tappau's household was eagerly snatched at; how his dog howled all one long night through, and could not be stilled; how his cow suddenly failed in her milk only two months after she had calved; how his memory had forsaken him one morning, for a minute or two, in repeating the Lord's Prayer, and he had even omitted a clause thereof in his sudden perturbation; and how all these forerunners of his children's strange illness might now be interpreted and understood this had formed the staple of the conversation between Grace Hickson and her friends.