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"The man who speaks only what he knows is old in wisdom;" and turning he addressed the company in great dignity: "It doth appear that Rome approveth Fra Paolo's rendering and hath gravely censured the Inquisitor who hath cited him, commanding him to meddle only with that of which he hath some understanding." "There are then tale-bearers whose jealousy would ruin our Paolo!"

He thought now that she must have known of his deformity before she came the world was so full of tale-bearers and no doubt had long since reconciled herself to the painful fact. She had shown no surprise, no shrinking.

If I should attempt to carry her off, or to have my will of her by stealth, there will of a surety be some tale-bearers about; and her father, being a fellow-townsman and a soldier to boot, would not sit down lightly under such an injury.

They are sad spoilers of sport, tale-bearers, envious narrow-minded people; making mischief between man and wife.

A bona fide, abandoned slam is a Domestic Earthquake. I next sat down on my Mexican chair, and waited for the rapid hatching of the egg. A register led up from the kitchen into my room, and though never used, formed one of those abominable listening tubes that might be truthfully called family tale-bearers.

And talking in this frank way, as he would do, over his cups, wags would laugh and encourage him; friends would be sorry for him; schemers and flatterers would egg him on, and tale-bearers carry the stories to headquarters, and widen the difference which already existed there, between the great captain and one of the ablest and bravest lieutenants he ever had.

The count says you know which it is. RUNNER. The same! a health is to go round in him. This will be something for the tale-bearers this goes to Vienna. NEUMANN. Permit me to look at it. Well, this is a cup indeed! How heavy! as well it may be, being all gold. And what neat things are embossed on it! how natural and elegant they look! There, on the first quarter, let me see.

He drank a great deal of brandy and water that night, and called in Farmer Dobbs, for want of better company, to drink with him; and told him all his grievances, and how happy he and "the poor lady up-stairs" might have been, had it not been for liars, and pick-thanks, and tale-bearers, and the like, who came between them meaning Molly Doyle whom, as he waxed eloquent over his liquor, he came at last to curse and rail at by name, with more than his accustomed freedom.

Jurgen crossed himself. "How unjustly now," says Jurgen, "do some people get an ill name for gratitude! And now do I perceive how wise I am, always to speak pleasantly of everybody, in this world of tale-bearers." Then Jurgen prepared his own supper, went to bed, and slept soundly. "I have implicit confidence," says he, "in Lisa.

Indeed it seemed as if the place had taken on new life and ambition, and if at any corner or turn of the road one chose to listen, he could often hear a few stray bits of conversation in regard to the interests which lay nearest to the hearts of the various newsmongers. Of all the tale-bearers, and there were many, none were as harmless, and at the same time as busy as Mrs. Hodgkins.