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They have pretty black eyes, those Tagalo girls, and exuberant crops of jet black hair too; but it is coarse, and freely anointed with that pungent unguent, cocoanut oil! "Mira! El Gigantè!" would be ejaculated in Spanish, whilst no less sonorous notes of admiration would be issued in the Tagalo dialect.

This was not so large as the Cathedral, nor as imposing, but it was crowded with worshippers, principally Indians of the Tagalo tribe. They were in every posture of devotion, telling their beads, and praying with apparent fervor. Indeed they appeared very zealous converts. At the entrance to this church of the Binondo was exposed the corpse of a child of about seven or eight years.

Thanks to American rule, the streets were clean and order reigned. There were about forty stores and other mercantile establishments in Bantoc, for this town was headquarters for a large country district. The people of Bantoc, outside of the small white population, were more than half Moros, the other islanders belonging to the Tagalo and other allied tribes.

About fifty persons composed the audience, and these were principally civilized Indians of the Tagalo tribe, a fine-looking race.

"Did Hakkut himself come to see you, Mr. Seaforth?" inquired the young lieutenant. "Hakkut? I've never seen the fellow, nor has any other white man around here, so far as I know." "Then he sends a regular collector for the money?" "Yes. He has a new collector this year." "A Moro?" "The fellow looks to me more like a Tagalo. He's a sharp, keen, little business man of his peculiar type."

He now readily explained how Tomba, under the assumed name of Davo, had made his acquaintance in Bantoc. Tomba had spent money so freely in entertaining him that Duxbridge had been certain that the man must be a wealthy, good-natured Tagalo. "I hope you've learned a lesson, Corporal," said Captain Freeman sadly.

I was about to notify the sergeant of the guard, sir." "Don't let them get away," spoke Hal quickly to the men, "and remember that they're armed with steel! This fellow, who calls himself Davo is Vicente Tomba, a Tagalo who is right-hand man to the datto," added the sergeant, bending and snatching the hat from the Tagalo's face.

Warn them, for I am watching all the rascals at once and I shall not endure an instant's treachery or disobedience of my orders." Tomba spoke to them rapidly, partly in the Tagalo and partly in the Moro dialect. Sergeant Hal listened, watched, waited in keen anxiety, for life and death hung on the issue. Every one of the eight sullen fellows stood as though rooted in his tracks.

"A Tagalo?" mused Lieutenant Prescott. "By Jove, I wish you'd give me a close description of the fellow." "Perhaps I can do better than that," proposed Mr. Seaforth, rising. "When the collector was here my son succeeded without the rascal's knowledge in getting a snapshot at him. I think I can find the photo."

The Visayas number nearly 2,000,000, or about as many as the population of all the Tagalo Provinces, which Aguinaldo claims to have captured. There is no evidence to show that they will support his pretensions, and many reasons to believe that on account of racial prejudices and jealousies and other causes they will oppose him.