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"What did you want of me, when you sought my acquaintance?" demanded Hal. He had suddenly become seized with a desire to prolong the talk with this little brown monster to gain time! "There was something that you could have done for me," replied Vicente Tomba. The Tagalo, like others of his race, was not averse to talking, either.

This man was a Filipino. At first glance one would have believed him to be a Tagalo, or member of the most warlike and ambitious of all the eighty-odd tribes that make up the peoples of these islands. The Tagalos are the tribe most frequently found in and around Manila, and in the provinces nearest to that city. In apearance the Tagalos look a good deal like underfed Japanese.

Rizal is known as the Tagalo Martytr. The Tagalos are of the dominant tribe of Malays. General Aguinaldo is of this blood, as are the great majority of the insurgents. The Doctor is more than the martyr of a tribe. He is the most talented and accomplished man his people and country has produced. A history of Luzon from his pen is a hulky volume full of facts.

Fabrico del Tobago Manufacture of the Cheroot Description of the process Female Operatives Gigantic effects Midshipman attacked A delightful Evening Boat ahoy Disappointed in trip to Lagunade Bay Funcion Familia Madame Theodore The Calçada again Margarita Teatro Binondo Teatro Tagalo de Tondo Espana Anecdote of an Englishman Farewell to Manilla Out to Sea.

I rather thought he made ignorance a plea for unwillingness, until I afterwards learned that these men, the cocheros, who are a class sui generis, being of the Indian race, understand but little more of the Spanish language than what they pick up at hotels, in the way of their profession their own tongue being the Tagalo, of which tribe they are generally natives.

The Moros, like the Tagalos and Pampangos, are fond of getting an enemy at close quarters, and then leaping on him with cold steel. The Tagalo or Pampango fights with the bolo, the Moro often with the creese, and with all these brown-skinned men the game is the same to leap up unexpectedly, from the tall grass, before the soldier has had time to throw himself on his guard.

"Add to all these infamies and indignities the removal of General Primo de Rivera, who, we repeat, was bound to remain in Manila during the three years of the armistice, and the nomination in his stead of another governor, General Augusti, who, completely without knowledge of the country, brought with him as his counsellor the unworthy Colonel Olive, the same who had proceeded with the utmost haste and greatest partiality and passion against the pretended chieftains, authors, protectors and followers of the sacred movement begun in August, 1896; who had, as military prosecutor for the 'Captain General, exacted with insolent cynicism, and with the knowledge and consent of his superior officers, considerable sums of money from those who wished to be absolved, in order to imprison them again when they did not comply with all his extortions; the same who, with shameless partiality worked and used his influence all he could towards the shooting of the immortal Tagalo martyr, Dr.

In his interest he did not note that the Tagalo who had brought him to the shop had left him and was standing on the sidewalk outside. "Are you interested in these creeses?" inquired Cerverra, passing down the shop and pointing to another wall case. The creese is an ancient Malay knife, with a waved, snaky blade a weapon with which the Malay pirates of the past used to do fearful execution.

He not only confiscated a package that a Tagalo brought with him, but instead of directing him to the imbecile's department, he took him where we all were. The poor Tagalo carried with him a large collection of little books written by you, which were given him by his Priest, who told him they represented so much indulgency for his next life.

Then one of the wretches stepped forward and threw open a door, just as Hal came calmly out with: "Nine!" "Stop counting, señor," urged Vicente Tomba quite coolly. "These men have yielded and are going. They will open the other door, pass through it hurriedly, and leave the way open for you." "Lucky for you, if they do, my Tagalo friend! I will suspend the count for an instant only."