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For her voice lives on the breeze, And her spirit comes at will; In the midnight, on the seas, Her bright smile haunts me still! Dropping their various occupations the guerillas drew in about the camp fire as the familiar words of the famous rebel song reached them. Few joined in the chorus; they were busy thinking of their sweethearts and wives far away.

And what pale little things they were really, mere bits and scraps of sentiment and melodrama in story form, most asinine sighings over home and mother and lost sweethearts and dead heroes such as never were in real life, and yet with something about them, in the music at least, which always appealed to me intensely and must have appealed to others, since they attained so wide a circulation.

But say to me, my daughter's dear friend, am I myself Eloy Deville? Ze Captain Danvers, is he a lunatic?" "No, doctor, not a lunatic, but a lover. My brother and your daughter have been sweethearts for many moons." "Now I am sure you also, Mees Hale, have lost your head. You also are in ze delirium."

Ploughmen who on other Sabbaths slept in the forenoon and visited their sweethearts the rest of the day, presented themselves for tokens on the Fast-day, and made the one elaborate toilette of the year on Saturday evening, when they shaved in turns before a scrap of glass hung outside the bothy door, and the foreman, skilled in the clipping of horses, cut their hair, utilising a porridge bowl with much ingenuity to secure a round cut.

Have held them at bay family, cousins, elders, sweethearts until now, the rest married and gone, and the tasks as they gave them up come to be mine, my mother needs me, and my life may be my own and free. For who has come to wed me? Did I not just say I was I am free? A soul groping lonely in the dark? No man's hand has reached toward mine that I, a woman and a weakling, could not shake off.

Captain McDonald, stirring the punch, filled all glasses, crying out that we should drink to our sweethearts in bumpers. "Drink 'em in wine," protested Captain Campbell, thickly. "Who but a feckless McDonald wud drink his leddy in poonch?" "I said poonch!" retorted McDonald, sternly. "If ye wish wine, drink it; but I'm thinkin' the Argyle Campbells are better judges o' blood than of red wine.

He was a mission teacher at Duke Town. The difference in their ages did not bother the sweethearts. They met and had fallen in love. They wanted to marry. "I will marry you if the Mission Board will agree to letting you work in the jungle with me," said Mary. "But suppose the Board will not let me go into the jungle, wouldn't you be willing to come back to Duke Town with me?" asked Charles.

He watched with a friendly eye the diversions of the London people, he bent a glance almost encouraging on the young ladies paddling their sweethearts about the lake and the guardsmen tickling tenderly with their bearskins the artificial flowers in the Sunday hats of their partners.

It was more than monstrous to realize that he had gone on spilling blood and would continue to go on when she could have prevented it could have saved many poor miners who perhaps had wives or sweethearts somewhere. Yet there was no help for it. She loved Jim Cleve. She might have sacrificed herself, but she would not sacrifice him for all the bandits and miners on the border.

"... 'Jav a good time at the trolley-party?" the clerk in the corner drug-store inquired that evening. "Fine!" said William, taking his overcoat from the hook where he had left it. "How j' like them Little Sweethearts I sold you?" "FINE!" said William.