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A party of the men from each ship had likewise obtained leave to go on shore to purchase curiosities for their sweethearts and wives.

"We shall be coming off duty in ten minutes." "Well, we have got a little of everything," she said. "As pretty sashes as there are in the country, beautiful silk neckerchiefs, silver brooches for your sweethearts, and for those who purchase freely a glass of the best pisco spirit." "Well, wait, and I dare say we shall lay out a dollar or two."

Elsewhere match that bloom of theirs, ye cannot, save in Salem, where they tell me the young girls breathe such musk, their sailor sweethearts smell them miles off shore, as though they were drawing nigh the odorous Moluccas instead of the Puritanic sands. The Chapel

The picture mine; my picture! would be spread on tables in the low cabins of pilot boats and fishing smacks; it would be nailed to the log walls of Klondike mining huts; soldiers in the steaming trenches around Manila would pass the torn sheets from hand to hand, and for a moment forget their sweethearts while they read of me. And the ships!

I tell you the Gottfrieds have married great ladies in their time dames and dainty damsels. They have had princesses to be their sweethearts ere now. Come, then, lad no more words, but follow me." And for that time I went after him obediently enough, but all the same my heart was rebellious within me.

As for the hailstones, they transported him; he went about with a bucket, making collections, and receiving contributions, for the purpose of carrying them home to his sweethearts for glass beads; but having put his bucket away, and returning to it again, and finding nothing but a little water, he accused the by-standers of stealing his precious stones. This suggests another story concerning him.

"What?" excitedly demanded old Miguel, who by this time had fortified himself with a fresh glass of aguardiente. "Why, after it had been gathered up and handed to her, she, without so much as looking at it, tossed it lightly into the center of the stage and bade the musicians and stage-hands remember her when they drank to their sweethearts to-night."

The writer looks back with interest upon the hours of solitude which he spent in this lonely ship with his small library. This being the first Saturday that the artificers were afloat, all hands were served with a glass of rum and water at night, to drink the sailors' favourite toast of "Wives and Sweethearts."

But the young men who had brought their sweethearts to town, and were standing hand in hand with them, for obvious reasons saw nothing: They scarcely dared to look at Kansas, and those who did were so loudly rebuked that they turned down the side streets. During this part of the day these loving couples, whose devotion was so patent to the whole world, were by far the most absorbing to Stephen.

Septimus Marvin, who seemed to emerge from a visionary world of his own in order to perform that ceremony and to return thither on its completion. Then the majority of the onlookers straggled homeward, leaving a few wives and sweethearts waiting by the steps, with patient eyes fixed on the spidery figures in the rigging of "The Last Hope."