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Suzon felt the troubled air round them, saw the dark looks on the faces of the men, and was at once afraid and elated. She loved the glow of excitement, she had a keen sense of danger, but she also felt that in any possible trouble to-night the chances of escape would be small for the man before her. He pushed out his glass again. She mechanically poured brandy into it.

He glowered at Charley, who looked at him indolently, then raised his glass towards Suzon and drank the brandy. "Pish!" said Red Shirt, and, turning round, joined his comrades. "Perhaps because you like it; perhaps because something was left out of you when you were made " Charley smiled pleasantly as Suzon came over to him again.

"'Yes, Monsieur le Comte, said Cerizet with a bow. 'I have come to ask your intentions. "'I shall only pay when the fancy takes me, returned Maxime, and he rang for Suzon. 'It was very rash of Claparon to buy up bills of mine without speaking to me beforehand. I am sorry for him, for he did so very well for such a long time as a man of straw for friends of mine.

Suzon Charlemagne no company for Charley Steele? What did it matter! He had entered into other people's lives to-day, had played their games with them and for them, and now he would play his own game, live his own life in his own way through the rest of this day.

Charley had, however, thrown a spell over her in another fashion. In her eye, in her face, was admiration, the sympathy of a strong intelligence, the wonder of a mind in the presence of its master, but they thought they saw passion, love, desire, in her face in the face of their Suzon, the pride of the river, the flower of the Cote Dorion.

And then, with a smile at their mute admiration and astonishment, she had passed her small supple hands lightly again over the piano- keys, evoking therefrom a playful prelude, and the pure silvery sound of her voice had cloven the air asunder with De Musset's 'Adieu, Suzon! "Adieu, Suzon, ma rose blonde, Qui m'as aime pendant huit jours!

Charley stooped, picked up his hat, and put it on his head again coolly. "Stop that, or I'll clear the bar!" cried Theophile Charlemagne, taking the pistol Suzon slipped into his hand. The sight of the pistol drove the men wild, and more than one snatched at the knife in his belt.

Charley was the last man in the world to undeceive them by words. When he coolly walked into the great room, where a half-dozen of them were already assembled, drinking white "whiskey-wine," he had no intention of setting himself right. He raised his hat cavalierly to Suzon and shook hands with her. He took no notice of the men around him. "Brandy, please!" he said.

"Didn't I play my game well a minute ago eh eh eh, Suzon?" "Oh, yes, yes, M'sieu'," she replied in English; "but now you are differen' and so are they. You must goah, so, you must!" He laughed again, a queer sardonic sort of laugh, yet he put out his hand and touched the girl's arm lightly with a forefinger. "I am a Quaker born; I never stir till the spirit moves me," he said.

It is your own doing whether you get a crown on your forehead or a bullet through your head; whether you are a millionaire or a porter, justice is always done you. I cannot help it, my dear fellow; I myself am not a king, I stick to my principles. I have no pity for those that put me to expense or do not know their business as creditors. Suzon! my tea!