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It resulted from one of those unhappy moments of expansiveness such as occur, I imagine, to everybody moments when one appears to be something quite different from what one really is, when one feels oneself a thorough good fellow, sociable, merry, appreciative, and finds the people around one the same. Such moods are known to all of us. Some people say that it is the super-self asserting itself.

If she had not cared for him so greatly it would not have mattered, but apart from Michael he was the being she loved and respected most on earth. His eyes haunted her; the doubt in them never left her mind; it argued against her finer judgment. That her dear chum should be working against her higher voice, her super-self, troubled her.

A fire, a kettle, and while the kettle boils, into the sea, giving my limbs to the sparkling, buoyant water. Then am I super-self, if such an expression may be permitted. So passes the vagabond's night. Thus somehow one comes into new harmony with Nature, and the personal rhythm enters into connection with all things that sleep and wake under the stars. One lives a new life.

I removed all hanging objects because their lurching shadows sent shivers of apprehension through me.... "That damned coffee wish I hadn't drunk it." The wind and rain came up like a phantom army. It sang in the trees, it drummed musically on my tent. It comforted me. The floodgates of my mind, my inspiration, broke loose. I rose to my super-self.

His super-self had triumphed; it had dominated his actions. Suddenly the overwhelming significance of the step which he had been about to take so rashly made him tremble and feel apprehensive. He turned round quickly, as if he expected to see the hand which had stayed him. No one was there. He stood tense, perfectly still, listening. Only the prayers from the courts of Islam came to his ears.

At these times she went about the pantry chalk-faced and tragic-eyed; but generally, when her suffering was becoming more than she could endure, from visualizing Michael blind, or limbless, or, still worse, an imbecile through shell-shock, a clear voice would speak to her, her super-self would repeat the contents of her treasured message.