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"You think so?" said Sosthène, but not as if he doubted. "Yes; it is certain now that Zoséphine will always remain the Widow 'Thanase." From College Point to Bell's Point, sixty miles above New Orleans, the Mississippi runs nearly from west to east. Both banks, or "coasts," are lined with large and famous sugar-plantations.

She could also purchase it for two hundred and fifty dollars; and if she was with child, an additional twelve dollars and fifty cents would purchase for the new-comer all the glories and immunities of Creole society. These were to doze and smoke in hammocks, and to cultivate listlessly about twenty-two dilapidated sugar-plantations and a little coffee.

Did I not make the hiding-place all alone? Senora, everything is there just as I tell you and more. The grants of title from the crown for this quinta and the sugar-plantations, they are there, too. Don Esteban used to fear the government officials, so he hid his papers securely. Without them the lands belong to no one. You understand?" "Of course! Yes, yes!

South of Turmero, a mass of limestone mountains advances into the plain, separating two fine sugar-plantations, Guayavita and Paja. The latter belongs to the family of Count Tovar, who have property in every part of the province. Near Guayavita, brown iron-ore has been discovered.

He had been in Cuba for some months, leading an adventurous life, visiting sugar-plantations, copper-mines, and coffee-estates, descending into caves, and botanizing in tropical jungles, cruising for a fortnight in an open boat among the coral-reefs, hunting turtles and manatis, and visiting all sorts of people from whom information was to be had, from foreign consuls and Lazarist missionaries down to retired slave-dealers and assassins.

Moreover, almost all the sugar-plantations the most productive and valuable property on the Islands are owned by Americans; and the same is true of the greater number of stock farms. Our political predominance on the Islands is as complete as the commercial. In the present cabinet all the ministers except one are Americans. This was true also of the cabinet of the late king.

"Arthur, have just a little mercy on me " "How much had you for me when your lies drove me out to be slave to the blacks on the sugar-plantations? You shudder at that ah, these tender-hearted saints! This is the man after God's own heart the man that repents of his sin and lives. No one dies but his son. You say you love me, your love has cost me dear enough!

As for myself, I must confess that four of these gulches the four nearest Hilo satisfied me; these I saw in visiting some sugar-plantations. If you do not intend such a thorough exploration of Hawaii, but mean only to see the volcano of Kilauea, your pleasantest plan is to ride from Hilo by the direct road to the crater, and return by way of Puna.

Thus it appears that this great basin extends through so many degrees of latitude that its lakes and streams connect with the mineral regions and pine forests of the North, the wheat- and corn-lands and cattle-ranges of the Middle States, and the cotton-and sugar-plantations of the South.

Five hundred men perished, and a much larger number were severely wounded. Distress and poverty were the result of this astounding convulsion of nature. His residence, his sugar-plantations, were but a heap of ruins and rubbish, and as a gift of Providence he looked upon the one refuge left him in his sugar-refinery, which was miraculously spared by the hurricane.