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Why them 'web-feet' " "Just what in particular is the matter?" Bruce asked, as the carpenter paused, not for want of verbal ammunition but because he was out of breath. "Matter!" panted Woods, "he's got us strainin' our life out puttin' up them green four-by-eight's when they's no need. They'd carry a ocean cable, them cross-arms would.

"Don't say anything," he stammered. "Don't! It's it's all foolishness, anyhow." "Foolishness! It's oh, I don't know what it is! And to sacrifice your reputation and your character and your friendship with Captain Hunniwell, all for me! I can't understand it." "Now now now, Charlie, don't try to. If I can't understand myself more'n half the time, what's the use of your strainin' your brains?

A man's coat, Wullie, is aften unco sma' for his son's back; and David there is strainin' and stretchin' her nigh to brakin', for a' the world as he does ma forbearance. And what's he care aboot the one or t'ither? not a finger-flip." As he stood watching the disappearing figure there began the slow tolling of the minute-bell in the little Dale church.

"Men don't grow on every bush, and Foster is real good-lookin', and maybe his salary will be raised." "You ain't lookin' very high," said her mother. "No use in strainin' your neck for things out of your own sky," said Lillian, who had at times a shrewd sort of humor, inherited from her father. "Harry Edgham would have been a better match for you," her mother said.

The ship has been most terrible uneasy for several hours now, and I'm afraid we shall find that she's been strainin' badly. It might not be amiss to sound the well; and if, as I fear, we find that she's been takin' water in through her seams, I'd advise "

The chances are that you'll find your spotty yearlin' walking around with her hide on her. And when you're plumb through, you make tracks away from my outfit. My patience is strainin' the buttons right now, looking at your ugly mug.

"Softly, Sol, softly," he said. "We must not be in too much haste." "Don't I know it, Henry? Don't I know that we must 'pear to be the two warriors whose business it is to take back the canoe? Ain't I jest strainin' an' achin' to make the biggest sweep with my paddle I ever swep', an' ain't my mind pullin' ag'inst my hands all the time, tryin' to keep 'em at the proper gait?

You see, if he remembers me as I was when that photo was taken Well, where's the harm?" "Trust me," says I. "And I won't be strainin' my conscience any at that." But I didn't need to juggle even a word. When Old Hickory hears how I've subbed in for him with Bonnie he just pulls out the picture, gazes at it fond for a minute or so, and then remarks: "Ah, you lucky young rascal!"

For an hour or so we watched 'em feelin' for us, gettin' a bit nearer, reachin' and swingin', with the Agnes strainin' herself to slip away, but losin' a little of her lead every minute. Must have been near ten o'clock when Rupert announces cheerful: "By George! She's falling behind. Those searchlights are getting dimmer." "I believe you're right," says Old Hickory.

"I'm a civilian now," said Mulvaney. "Cud you tell that I was iver a martial man? Don't answer, sorr, av you're strainin' betune a complimint an' a lie. There's no houldin' Dinah Shadd now she's got a house av her own. Go inside, an' dhrink tay out av chiny in the drrrrawin'-room, an' thin we'll dhrink like Christians undher the tree here. Scutt, ye naygur-folk!