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Summer of '88 I come floatin' a raft out of Stewart River, loaded down with quarters of moose an' strainin' to make the Lower Country 'fore they went bad. Yep, an' down the Yukon you come, in a Linderman boat. An' I was holdin' strong, ez it was Wednesday, an' my pardner ez it was Friday, an' you put us straight Sunday, I b'lieve it was. Yep, Sunday. I declare! Nine years ago!

"But that, I reckon, is the time I got so stretched out an' begun to grow so tall, Miss," he added. "Stretchin' an' strainin' to git away from that ol' she b'ar was what done it." Ruth was delighted with the guide; but she was very tired, too, and when the maids came in she was only too glad to fall in with the suggestion of bed.

An' whin I looked back, as I was turnin' the corner, there she stood, strainin' her eyes after her father, that she was then takin' the last sight of until the judgment-day." His voice here became broken, and he sat in silence for a few minutes. "It's sthrange," he added, with more firmness, "how she's so often in my mind!"

And his scare made him mad. And his mad stayed with him till they come into camp. She looked around, and when she seen Hank's tent that him and her was to sleep in she showed surprise. And he showed surprise when he see the bread she cooked. "'What kind of a Dutch woman are yu', says he, strainin' for a joke, 'if yu' can't use a Dutch-oven?

The Lord, He makes the squalls, and he don't put it on us to manage 'em; but up thar' in His fa'r weather, He looks down on the storms that we know not whither, but are only drivin' of us landward safe, and 'Keep ye still, He says, 'Jest keep ye still! No need o' strainin' eyes, but fix 'em thar', on Him, I've seen a many times when no words but them would do."

"I commanded 'em in the Eighties," he says, "and, Gawd forgive me," he says, sobbin' 'eavily, "I've spent this holy evening telling their Colonel they was a set of educated inefficients. Hark to 'em!" We could, without strainin' ourselves; but how he picked up the gentle murmur of his own corps in that on-the-knee party up the hill I don't know.

Rowena busied herself with her work; and when Mrs. Fewkes repeated her appeal, the girl looked out of the window and paused a long time before she answered, "Good enough," she finally said. "But I guess he ain't strainin' himself any to make something of us." There was something strange and covered up in what she said, and in the way she said it.

He chased me six miles as it was me with one arm full of his buckshot and anxious to explain, and him strainin' to get in range again and not wishin' any further particulars. That was way back in the sixties, when I was as wild a lad as ever straddled a pony.

Lots of folks do business that way. I suppose now you'll be seeing Nebraska in a day or two maybe." "I might," admitted Doc Coffin. "Friend of his?" purred Racey. "I might be." Doc Coffin's spare frame grew somewhat rigid. "Well," Racey drawled softly, "I heard Nebraska's friends are looking for me. I'm here to save 'em the trouble of strainin' their eyes." "So that's it, huh?"

"I'm a civilian now," said Mulvaney. "Cud you tell that I was iver a martial man'? Don't answer, Sorr, av you're strainin' betune a complimint an' a lie. There's no houldin' Dinah Shadd now she's got a house av her own. Go inside, an' dhrink tay out av chiny in the drrrrawin'-room, an' thin we'll dhrink like Christians undher the tree here. Scutt, ye naygur-folk!