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But our fellows are ruddy and sunburnt and steady-eyed, there is spirit and fire and virility in their looks, they are in prime condition, neither shrunken and withered nor running to corpulence, but well and truly proportioned; the waste superfluity of their tissues they have sweated out; the stuff that gives strength and activity, purged from all inferior admixture, remains part of their substance.

He was brown and lean and enduring, steady-eyed and pestilence-salted, and his mouth, which had once hung open, shut now like a steel trap. Across his brow ran a white scar that he had got in a fight on the brig.

Arkwright I'll be down at once, please," she directed carelessly, as she turned back into the room. But she was not down at once. She was not down until she had taken time to bathe her red eyes, powder her telltale nose, smoothe her ruffled hair, and whip herself into the calm, steady-eyed, self-controlled young woman that Arkwright finally rose to meet when she came into the room.

Deveny was strangely silent, glowering toward the desert; Rogers folded his arms and faced the oncoming rider and the somber-coated animal he bestrode; Lawson scowled; and Laskar nervously estimated the distance that stretched between himself and the steady-eyed man who had told him certain things in a voice that had been entirely convincing.

Steady-eyed like her husband, she preserved an air of unfathomable indifference behind the rampart of the counter.

I'll have your time made up to-day, unless you want your check right now." The broken teeth of the desperado clicked as his jaw clamped. He looked from the smiling, steady-eyed trader to the brown-faced youth who watched the scene with such cool, alert attention. He fought with a wild, furious impulse in himself to go through with his threat, to clean up and head out into the wilds.

"You have the best guard I have ever encountered," he said, "steady-eyed, cautious, wary yet quick too, and always with the threat of attack in your defense. You are a credit to your training." When they stepped forward again Commodus commanded: "Attack now, attack your fiercest and show your quality. I shall not be angry if you land on me, I shall be pleased. Do your utmost!"

Van Wyk stared blankly, as if something momentous had happened all at once. He did not know why he should feel so startled; but he forgot Sterne utterly for the moment. "Why, what's the matter?" And Captain Whalley, half-averted, in a deadened, agitated voice, muttered "Esteem!" "And I may add something more," Mr. Van Wyk, very steady-eyed, pronounced slowly. "Hold! Enough!"

"I'll get it for you as many palaces as you want," he declared with steady-eyed effrontery; "if only you give me the chance. All I ask is this. For God's sake, take the chain off me let me get into the fight." Ham Burton was a tall and well-thewed lad for his age. His muscle fiber had drawn strength from the ax and the log-pole, but as yet it had not become heavy with decades of hard labor.

However, when he spoke again, Michael's voice was quiet enough, though touched with irony: "So actually you are in love with her still!" "Neither now nor ever," Ivan answered, steady-eyed. Michael, inwardly relieved, shrugged. "Where is she, Ivan?" "Thank God, I don't know!" "Why don't you know?" "Burevsky was shot with the name of the place on his lips unspoken."