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In those few seconds the assailants meant to bound across the short intervening space, and come to close grips with the enemy who had staved them off all day and half the night. It was then that the use of one of the resources of science stood the British in good stead, and probably saved the lives of many hundreds.

There was, too, another hope, another hope of instant moneys by which Guatemala might be staved off, as to which further explanation shall be given in a further chapter. "I suppose I shall find Dixon a decent sort of a fellow?" said Lopez to the Secretary of the Association in Coleman Street. "Rough, you know." "But honest?" "Oh, yes; he's all that."

Adams darkly, pointing with his chisel. A fine fragrance of rum permeated the store. Mr. Jope advanced, and peered into the staved cask. "Gone?" he exclaimed, and gazed around blankly. Bill Adams nodded. "But where? . . . You don't say he's dissolved?" "It ain't the usual way o' rum. An' it is rum?" Bill appealed to the Parson. "By the smell, undoubtedly." "I tell you what's happened.

He had in fact broken his right arm which had been twisted under him as the horse rolled, and two of his ribs had been staved in by the pommel of his saddle. Many men have been worse hurt and have hunted again before the end of the season, but the fracture of three bones does make a man uncomfortable for the time. "Now the cart is sent for, couldn't you go on?"

They were too busy to do more than nod at Scott and Martyn, and stare curiously at William, who could do nothing except make tea, and watch how her men staved off the rush of wailing, walking skeletons, putting them down three at a time in heaps, with their own hands uncoupling the marked trucks, or taking receipts from the hollowed-eyed, weary white men, who spoke another argot than theirs.

She had been leaping so gallantly only five minutes before. Now she lay with her heart broken, while the seas beat her with great thumps. Two battle-lanterns lit the after 'tweendecks. There was a great heap of staved in casks, slopping about in an inch or two of water, all along that side, thrown there by the smash. I could hear the men yelling on deck. Captain Barlow was swearing in loud shouts.

Then he turned his head and looked away down the street, as the clatter of hoofs and rattle of wheels reached the hotel. And for the second time within a few minutes, trouble, such as only Western men fully understand, was staved off by a more important interruption. A team and buckboard dashed up to the hotel.

Some biscuit, a roll of jerked beef, and an earthen water jar, lay beside him, showing that hunger at least could have had no share in his destruction but the pipkin was dry, and the small water cask in the bow was staved, and empty.

Then they sailed off in only three galleys, each containing a hundred chosen men. At last, in extreme want of food, and lacking even bread, they staved off hunger with a little pottage. Some days passed, and they heard the thunder of a storm brawling in the distance, as if it were deluging the rocks.

"If there is any plot on foot we had best not get mixed up in it. No one is too high or too low to escape the vengeance of the council, if found plotting against the state; and before now gondolas, staved in and empty, have been found drifting on the lagoons, and the men who rowed them have never been heard of again.