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She was up betimes the next day, anxious to see whether more snow had fallen during the night; but none had. To her joy, it was one of those brilliant mornings when the sky seems a dome of sapphire sparkles, and the crust of the snow with the sun on it is like white star-dust overlaid with gold.

Yet even his imagination failed to realize that this flaming head, with its strange halo of darkness, and its horrible hair of livid green light, was four million times greater than the earth; or that its luminous veil woven of star-dust so fine that other stars shone through streamed across one hundred million of miles, thick strewn with other stars. "Listen!" cried the doctor. "Hear that!"

The one life thrilled the star-dust through, In nebulous masses whirled, Until, globed like a drop of dew, Shone out a new-made world. The one life on the ocean shore, Through primal ooze and slime, Crept slowly on from less to more Along the ways of time. The one life in the jungles old, From lowly creeping things, Did ever some new form unfold, Swift feet or soaring wings.

Juliet, with her white silken skirts caught up above grasses and dust, ran light-footedly through the green lowland fields and up the hill, treading for the first time the faint old field-path between the two homes, so long disused that it was now barely visible in its fringing grasses and star-dust of buttercups.

I ask why my telescopic star-dust may not come together and grow and organize into habitable worlds, the ripened fruit on the branches of the tree Yggdrasil, if I may borrow from our friend the Poet's province. It frightens people, though, to hear the suggestion that worlds shape themselves from star-mist.

He sat down, smiling. "Don't ever expect to feed any man over forty on star-dust. Hilda knows better, don't you, Hilda?" Hilda was bringing in the tray. There was a copper chafing-dish and a percolator. She wore her nurse's outfit of white linen. She looked well in it, and she was apt to put it on after dinner, when she was in charge of the office.

I ask why my telescopic star-dust may not come together and grow and organize into habitable worlds, the ripened fruit on the branches of the tree Yggdrasil, if I may borrow from our friend the Poet's province. It frightens people, though, to hear the suggestion that worlds shape themselves from star-mist.

His eyes were acrawl with the secrets of life. They were just squirming and wriggling there. The trouble is I almost got them, and then I didn't. I'm no wiser than I was before, but I was near them." He paused and then added, "I can't tell you, but that dog's eyes were just spilling over with cues to what life is, and evolution, and star-dust, and cosmic sap, and all the rest everything."

Her face rose up before him, appealing, yearning. She had one of those perfect faces, which irresistibly compel the soul of a man. Her brown eyes, soft and shining, full of tenderness; her lips, quick to tremble with emotion; her skin like apple-blossoms, her hair with star-dust in it!

There were bad days coming out there; but, as Roy had once said, every man and woman of goodwill British or Indian would count in the scale, were it only a grain here, a grain there. The insignificance of the human unit a mere fragment of star-dust on sidereal shores is off-set by the incalculable significance of the individual in the history of man's efforts to be more than man.