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A small pine bough was laid to the right of the entrance of the sweat house. The opening of the song was a call upon the gods to impart to the medicine power to complete the cure of the invalid and to make all people well, and to have a wet and good ground all over the earth. This song is specially addressed to Toneennili, the water sprinkler.

"Now, be brave," he said to her, while a shudder ran through his own frame. They gazed on the scene. The narrow coffin was bathed in sunshine. At the foot of it, on a lace cushion, was a silver crucifix. To the left the holy-water sprinkler lay in its font. The tall wax tapers were burning with almost invisible flames.

It was understood by Lise's friends and Lise's family, though not by the gentleman himself, that his position was only temporary or at most probationary; he had not even succeeded to the rights, title, and privileges of the late Mr. Wiley, though occupying a higher position in the social scale being the agent of a patent lawn sprinkler with an office in Faber Street.

Why, it ran out of those dots I saw it! What is it?" echoed from different parts of the room. "It's only my sprinkler my fire-extinguisher," Hawkins explained. "It went off by accident, you see. There's nothing in it to hurt you. It's perfectly neutral. It can't bite that's imagination." "But it does!" cried Mrs. Gordon. "It stings like acid. It actually seems to be eating my skin!" "Bite!

The peasants had set the litter on the grass and were stretching their arms, while Brother Archangias prepared the sprinkler. 'Come here, Voriau! called Fortune. The big black dog, who had gone to sniff at the coffin, came back sulkily. 'Why has the dog been brought? exclaimed Rosalie. 'Oh! he followed us, said Lisa, smiling quietly.

It held a corpse, whose dull white feet protruded from under the winding-sheet like bits of washed alabaster, while the body itself had the uncertain form peculiar to dressed corpses. The crowd around was silent. The men bared their heads; the priest shook his holy-water sprinkler and mumbled orisons, and the pair of oxen swung their heads to and fro under the heavy, creaking yoke.

Sprays or showers may be administered to the head, arms, chest, back, thighs, knees or wherever indicated, with a dipper, a sprinkler or a hose attached to the faucet or hydrant. The water should be of natural temperature and the "guss" of short duration. Limb Bath

As a machine that German workmen have invented and that is called a thrasher, but is at the same time a chopperit has chains and knives, and cuts up the straw and thrashes the grain at the same timeso did Sprinkler and Razor work together, slaughtering their enemies, one from above and the other from below.

A weak, thin-voiced organ pipes huskily from its damp loft: the monk hurries rapidly over the Latin text of the service, while "His breath to heaven like vapor goes" on the chilly, humid air; and the other monk makes the responses, giving and taking the sprinkler, which his chief shakes vaguely in the direction of the coffin.

And with the planting goes on the continual care, much of which can be done in the course of the daily walk in the garden, and therefore the loss of time will not be felt. Water in case of a real drought, but use a sprinkler, and do not stop until the ground has been soaked to a depth of a few inches.