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Just then, however, he received information that the imperialists were in hot pursuit of the Schmalkaldians, and having bought another horse from a Jew, he set out for Speyer.

Jonathan Thorne , Louis Gordon Hammersley , Countess Annie Leary , George C. Smith , Herbert D. Robbins , James B. Clews , Lloyd Warren , Mrs. James Hedges , R.F. Hopkins , Michael Dricer , George Leary , William H. Erhart , James Speyer , Henry Phipps , Abraham Stein , Dr. James H. Lancashire , Mrs.

Helen and I had got it into our heads that there was a grand old cathedral at Speyer the Archbishop of Speyer was one of the seven electors you know 'Speyer, Maintz, and Koln. Those three sees once commanded the Rhine Valley and got it the name of Priest Street." "I still feel quite uneasy about this business, Margaret."

From Speyer I travelled by carriage to Worms, and from there again to Mainz. There was an Imperial secretary, Ulrich Varnbüler, travelling by chance in the same carriage. He devoted himself to me with incredible assiduity over the whole journey, and at Mainz would not allow me to go into the inn but took me to the house of a canon; on my departure he accompanied me to the boat.

Neither party was right; for the decision of the diet of Speyer was destined to become a permanent arrangement, and Germany remained divided between different religious faiths. New sects opposed to the old Church had begun to appear.

On top of it is a dancing-floor having the bung-hole in the center! What a joy it must be for the dancers to reflect that there is such a flood of wine still beneath them! It winds through charming vineyards, and from it may be enjoyed splendid views of the town, castle, valley, and of the beautiful outlines of the Haardt Mountains and the cathedral of Speyer in the distance.

Sir Edward Grey to Sir Cecil Spring Rice Foreign Office, September 9, 1914. SIR: The American Ambassador showed me to-day a communication that he had from Mr. Bryan. It was to the effect that Mr. Straus and Mr. Speyer had been talking with the German Ambassador, who had said that, though he was without instructions, he thought that Germany might be disposed to end the war by mediation.

We did intend to finish ourselves when things proved like this, but we have decided to die naturally in the track. As a dying man, my dear friend, be good to my wife and child. Give the boy a chance in life if the State won't do it. To the Right Hon. Sir Edgar Speyer, Bart. Dated March 16, 1912. Lat. 79.5°. My DEAR SIR EDGAR, I hope this may reach you.

These colonists are, and will be, in want of funds for the development and increase of their cultivated territories, and when we consider the names of the prominent financiers in the Central Empires, Mendelssohn, Hirsch, Goldsmid, Bleichroeder, Speyer, to name only a few, we cannot be in much doubt as to the quarter from which that financial assistance will be forthcoming, on extremely favourable terms.

From some ruin of ancient watch-tower or cloister on the height, entrancing views spread out, the landscape holding the venerable towns of Worms and Speyer, each with its cathedral dominating the clustered dwellings, while the lordly Rhine pours its flood northward a stream of gold when in the late afternoon it glows in the sunset.