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The Maitland, with its headquarters in Glasgow, gives a preference to the west of Scotland, but has not been exclusive. The Spalding Club, established in Aberdeen, the granite capital of the far north, is the luminary of its own district, and has produced fully as much valuable historical matter as any other club in Britain.

And old Thaddeus Stevens the clear-sighted and courageous "Old Commoner" followed up Spalding, and struck very close to the root and animus of the Democratic opposition, when he exclaimed: "All this struggle by calm and dignified and moderate 'Patriots; all this clamor against 'Radicals; all this cry of 'the Union as it Was, and the Constitution as it Is; is but a persistent effort to reestablish Slavery, and to rivet anew and forever the chains of Bondage on the limbs of Immortal beings.

"Was it odd, my dear, that I should be astonished at his wanting to marry that other woman?" "But, mamma, when we told you that she was young and pretty and bright!" "I thought that you were all demented. I did indeed. I still think it a pity that he should take an American. I think that Miss Spalding is very nice, but there are English girls quite as nice-looking as her."

Spalding, who was accustomed to talk while standing, leaned against the desk, feet crossed, brows furrowed. As he talked, he emphasized his remarks by jabbing the air with his pencil. "Well," said Emma quietly, "it didn't go." "It didn't even start," corrected Spalding. "But why?" demanded Buck. "Why?" Spalding leaned forward a little, eagerly.

A proud trio were Spalding, Smith, and the Doctor that afternoon, returning with their game across the lake; and they certainly had some occasion to congratulate themselves, for this was the first wild, uncaged bear either of us had ever seen, and him they had succeeded in capturing. We dined that afternoon on a roasted sirloin of bear, stewed jerked venison, fried trout, and pork.

"Do you suppose I'd allow you to stand up before all those people?" "Why not? I don't know them. They don't know me. I can make them get the idea in that skirt. And I'm going to do it. You don't object to me on the same grounds that you did to Myrtle, do you?" "You!" burst from the admiring Spalding. "Say, you'd make a red-flannel petticoat look like crepe de Chine and lace."

The hotel-keeper did not allow such a light to remain long hidden under a bushel, and it was soon spread far and wide that the Honourable Charles Glascock and his suite were again in the beautiful city. And the fact was soon known to the American Minister and his family. Mr. Spalding was a man who at home had been very hostile to English interests.

Spalding, whom I had only met once some years previously. It now seemed to me rather fortunate that she should be the person who had recognised M. Zola, since she would naturally be discreet as soon as the situation should be made clear to her.

"I have often thought," said Spalding, as we listened to the rude and sometimes profane speech of our men, "how vast the influence which circumstances or accident, over which men have no control, have upon their conduct and destiny in this world, if not in the next. The poet has well said,

And to Summerling: "I am ready." "But I ain't!" cried Spalding. He got to the door and started down the hall. "Wait a minute, will you?" Gratton hurried after him, his face hot with rage, while Steve Jarrold guffawed loudly and then, under Gloria's startled look, dropped his eyes. "Come back here, Spalding," commanded Gratton angrily. "Whatever you've got to do can wait a minute "