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They gave an affirmative answer, but their tone was not cordial and they looked "daggers." Dinner was just about prepared, and when all was ready, we were invited, with evident coolness, to take seats at the table. We had a splendid meal, consisting of corn bread, new Irish potatoes, boiled bacon and greens, butter and buttermilk. Compared with sow-belly and hardtack, it was a feast.

But, cheer up, the worst is yet to come, and if you will go down to the creek and wash your hands, you can come back and help me with the grub. You can get busy and dig the dough-gods and salve out of that sack while I sizzle up the sow-belly." Endicott regarded her with a frown of disapproval: "Why this preposterous and vulgar talk?" "Adaptability to environment," piped the girl, glibly.

Why shouldn't they be a good fat regiment, with their haversacks full o' the best, when half the army feeds on tack and sow-belly, and the other half can't git that!" The driver, evidently nearing his destination, became confidentially loquacious. "Yonder's Fort Elsworth, ladies! It's hid by the forest, but it's there, you bet!

The ground was low and springy, and whenever it rained, the place was almost untenable. The day after our arrival was Thanksgiving day, but it passed off the same as all other days with us. We had our usual dinner of sow-belly a la mode, and hard-tack a la mouldy. Nothing out of the usual course occurred, until December 8th.

On the grub question I will say now that the great "stand-bys" of the Union soldiers during the war, at least those of the western armies, were coffee, sow-belly, Yankee beans, and hardtack. It took us, of course, some time to learn how to cook things properly, especially the beans, but after we had learned how, we never went back on the above named old friends.

By the way, did you have any dinner to-day?" "I struck Camp Seven on the Alamitos at noon." "Hum-m. Sour bread, sow-belly, frijoles? Or was it canned corn? I say, old man, do you remember some of the places where we used to dine at home flowers and music, and table linen, and real dishes, and waiters with real food, and women God bless 'em! real women?

Elia returned him an unsmiling negative. Smiling was apparently unnatural to him. The lack of it and the lack of expression in his eyes, except when stirred by terror, showed something of the warp of his mind. "You aren't damp, or or anything? There's a heap of dew around." The man was throwing strips of "sow-belly" into the pan, and the coffee water was already set upon the flaming wood.

You will do well to encourage opposition to the Great Company, and thus raise the price of furs." The half-breed then presented the hunters with several plugs of "T & B," some matches, tea, sugar, flour, and a piece of "sow-belly." For some time Oo-koo-hoo sat holding a little fresh-cut tobacco in his hand, until Gibeault, taking notice, asked him why he did not smoke it.

Our fare consisted of light bread, coffee, fresh meat at some meals, and salt meat at others, Yankee beans, rice, onions, and Irish and sweet potatoes, with stewed dried apples occasionally for supper. The salt meat, as a rule, was pickled pork and fat side meat, which latter "table comfort" the boys called "sow-belly." We got well acquainted with that before the war was over.

"Stranger, you look putt' nigh beat out," said the man who acted as host; "you look pale around the gills." "I am," said Mose; "I got off my course last night, and had to make down under a piñon. I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday noon." "Wal, we'll have some taters and sow-belly in a giff or two. Want 'o wash?"