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Among high and low alike, I heard the bitter reproach, till I was soul-sick of it, that the burgher has no aim or object above commerce and the getting of money. That we alone in the whole kingdom of Germany are the guardians and preservers of art, they take into no account.

Ford did none of these things, however. The soul-sick incentive was there, and if he had been a little less of a reasoning animal and a little less sophisticated, he would probably have forsworn strong drink just as he forswore all responsibility for his inadvertent marriage.

Falconer if he wants her to. Ain't that your mind about it, Susan?" "She had better accept him if if they love each other." Then Susan grew faint and soul-sick, and something in her heart seemed to die, as though she had spoken the fatal words that made them each other's for ever that cut her loose from her sweet romance and sent her drifting into the gloom. That evening Mr. Falconer called.

His love and respect were hers alone; yet she saw in him a soul-sick man, and persistently rejected Philotas, who wooed her with the same zeal as before, and the other suitors who were striving to win the wealthy heiress.

The loot of the Dweller! Soul-sick, I gazed. They lifted to us visages of dread; they swept down toward us, glaring upward a bank against which other and still other waves of faces rolled, were checked, paused; until as far as I could see, like billows piled upon an ever-growing barrier, they stretched beneath us staring staring!

There was much argument the usual charges and countercharges but, finally, because of her weariness of heart, his petting, the unsolvability of it all, she permitted him for the time being to persuade her that there were still some crumbs of affection left. She was soul-sick, heartsick.

But its taste is none the less nauseous to the man on whom Fate forces it. Michael Gregoriev, then, a furious man of men, was to-day enduring that which has turned many a woman soul-sick and weary of existence.

They tried to be toward him as they had always been as though all that had happened alone in imagination.... He did not sleep; he ate but little; and he drank, some. Blake was heart-sick soul-sick. To see the man that he had known and loved as that man was! But Dr. DeLancey assured him: "It'll take a year or two. But he'll be all right in the end." And yet even Dr.

I have sent soul-sick women also The Bruised Reed, and The Mission of the Comforter with sympathising inscriptions, and sweet scriptures written inside, when, had I had Mr. Skill's keen eyes in my stupid head, I would have gone to them with the total abstinence pledge in my one hand, and Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living and Dying in my other.

His love and respect were hers alone; yet she saw in him a soul-sick man, and persistently rejected Philotas, who wooed her with the same zeal as before, and the other suitors who were striving to win the wealthy heiress.