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There was little satisfaction in Bradley's slow, formal answer: "Some's got it one way and some's got it another, Kate. I can't rightly say what ailded him or when he died 'n' I guess nobody else can, f'r sure. Some says he got shot; some says he was drownded 'a' las' Tuesday night in the Crazy Woman; some says they's been a fight nobody's heard of yit, 't' all.

It was a regular outside bush township, and though the distance oughtn't to have much to say to people's honesty, you'll mostly find that these far-out back-of-beyond places have got men and women to match 'em. Except the squatters and overseers, the other people's mostly a shady lot. Some's run away from places that were too hot to hold 'em.

But nobody believes much he sees in the newspapers. Whenever I read an item about things I happen to know, it's all wrong. And I guess they don't get it any nearer right about the things I don't happen to know. Now, all this here talk of there being so many millionaires I don't take no kind of stock in it." "No?" said I. "Of course, some's poor and some's rich that's got to be.

Now just take the man over there, for instance; he sowed by machine three weeks ago and some's come up and some not. No. The machine goes too deep in the soil." "H'm! Don't the jasmines smell fine tonight?" "Yes. There's been a big difference with the barley and oats these last few days. Getting on time for bed, though, now!" He got up, but I did not move.

Cow camps change in two months. Some's gone." Raidler nerved himself. "That chap I sent along McGuire did he " "Say," interrupted Pete, rising with a chunk of corn bread in each hand, "that was a dirty shame, sending that poor, sick kid to a cow camp. A doctor that couldn't tell he was graveyard meat ought to be skinned with a cinch buckle.

Some's better than others, but when you get up at five o'clock on winter mornings and make the fire and melt the water, if it's frozen, to wash your face with, and " "Does it freeze in here?" Bettina, who had by effort restrained herself from taking part in the conversation, leaned forward and dug her hands deep in her lap. "Does it really freeze in this hot room?" "It ain't hot in here at night.

An' some's so pig-headed they don't believe their own eyes. As for th' wind, if you lay down flat and squint toward th' west, you can see it blowin' along near th' ground, like a big ribbon; an' sometimes it's th' color of air, an' sometimes it's silver an' gold, an' sometimes, when a storm is comin', it's purple."

Susan asked a little timidly. This cheery, sun-bathed scene was not quite her idea of a labor strike. "Well, some's always in debt and trouble annyway," Mrs. Cudahy said, temperately, "and of course 'tis the worse for thim now!" She led Susan across an unpaved, deeply rutted street, and opened a stairway door, next to a saloon entrance.

"Well," said John the Clerk, "they're talking and talking, and some's saying this one and others that one; but the most is saying your ould friend Philip Christian." "I knew it I always said it," shouted Pete; "best man in the island, bar none. Oh, he'll not deceave me." The wind was roaring in the chimney, and the light was beginning to fail.

Cow camps change in two months. Some's gone." Raidler nerved himself. "That chap I sent along McGuire did he " "Say," interrupted Pete, rising with a chunk of corn bread in each hand, "that was a dirty shame, sending that poor, sick kid to a cow camp. A doctor that couldn't tell he was graveyard meat ought to be skinned with a cinch buckle.