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Laboriously, he had built up a name for conservatism which most of the town accepted, but secretly he had always been a gambler: Wall Street was his goal; to adventure there, as one of the great single-eyed Cyclopean man-eaters, his fond ambition; and he had conceived the distillery trust as a means to attain it; but the structure tumbled about his ears; other edifices of his crumbled at the same time; he found himself beset, his solvency endangered, and there was the Tabor stock, quite as good as gold; Roger had just died, and it was enough to save him.

After a thorough investigation of the solvency of Mr Forbes, and a proper delay for consideration besides, Bruce supplied him with a hundred pounds upon personal bond, at the usual rate of interest, for a certain term of years. Mr Forbes died soon after, leaving his affairs in some embarrassment in consequence of his outlay.

"And if it extended its operations, it would acquire even more credit?" "Yes." "Because people, believing in the solvency of the Bank, would suppose that it extended itself because it had more means?" "Yes." "And would not feel any dust in their eyes?" "No," said Mr. Newt, following his son closely. "Well, then; don't you see?"

"Do you guarantee the solvency of this person?" demanded M. Desvanneaux, who saw the project of the kermess falling to the ground. "It is one of my rich clients; but I have orders not to reveal her name unless her offer is accepted." The unanimity with which all hands were raised did not even give time to put the question. "Her name?" demanded the Duchess.

An alarm for the solvency of the Bank, an impending invasion, a mutiny in the fleet, and an organized rebellion in Ireland, such were the fruits of four years' warfare, and they were enough to startle even the most sanguine and precipitate into reflection. The conduct of Mr. Sheridan on the breaking out of the Mutiny at the Nore is too well known and appreciated to require any illustration here.

A capital of a million, would, I judged, be ample. This million should be divided into a hundred shares of ten thousand crowns each. Each share must be taken up before a notary, who would answer for the shareholder's solvency. All dividends to be paid the third day after the drawing. In case of loss the shareholder to renew his share.

The financial affairs of the Somers family, therefore, were not in a very prosperous condition, and the solvency of the house depended entirely upon the adjustment with uncle Wyman. The mortgage note which Squire Pemberton held would be due in June, and as the creditor was not an indulgent man, there was a prospect that even the little cottage and the little farm might be wrested from them.

It was hardly likely that any more unexpected claims could be brought against him now, particularly as he had no intention of publishing his return to solvency. He might reasonably consider himself in a position to make his escape at the very first favourable opportunity. When would that opportunity present itself? It must come soon. He could not wait long for it.

With management and care, and a gift from his intended wife, nothing need be said no exposure would take place the house would retain its high character, and in the course of a very few years recover its solvency and prosperity. A fearful list of the engagements was appended, and an account of every transaction in which the deceased had been concerned.

The war experience has hitherto gone tentatively to show that funds and financial transactions, of credit, bargain, sale and solvency, may be dispensed with under pressure of necessity; and apparently without seriously hindering that run of mechanical fact, on which interest in the present case necessarily centers, and which must be counted on to give the outcome.