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The successes of Bonaparte's Italian campaign were then culminating; Austria was on the point of making peace with France; England was about to find herself alone, and the discontent of the seamen of the navy, long smouldering, was soon to break out into the famous and threatening mutinies of the Channel Fleet and of the Nore.

Tea with the boatswain’s wifeNews of the mutiny at the Nore causes trouble among the sailorsSent to cruise in consequence—A white squall and waterspoutCapture of a Spanish cruiserReturn to Port Royal—H.M.S. Hermione seized by mutineers and carried to Porto BelloRecaptured by Captain HamiltonAn alarm caused by fireflies.

Then came Vice-Admiral Elliot, Commander-in-chief at the Nore; next the Lord Mayor's bailiff in his craft, preceding the Lord Mayor in the City barge, "rearing its quaint gilded poop high in the air, and decked with richly emblazoned devices and floating ensigns.... Two royal gigs and two royal barges escorted the State barge, posted respectively on its port and starboard bow, and its port and starboard quarter.

It was not the look of a criminal, whatever the man might be- -mutineer and murderer. As for mutineer, all that Calhoun had fought for had been at last admitted by the British Government, and reforms had been made that were due to the mutiny at the Nore. Only the technical crime had been done by Calhoun, and he had won pardon by his bravery in the battle at sea.

They had no charts on board, nor could have made much use of any. But the wind continued favourable, and the weather cold, bright, and full of life. They spoke many coasters on their way, and received many directions. Off the Nore they had rough weather, and had to stand off and on for a day and a night till it moderated.

Melville's The Thackeray Country. Kitton's The Dickens Country. Sloan's The Carlyle Country. Dougall's The Burns Country. Crockett's The Scott Country. Hill's Jane Austen: Her Homes and Her Friends. Cook's Homes and Haunts of John Ruskin. Eliot, The Brontë Country, Thackeray Land, The Thames from Oxford to the Nore. Hutton's Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh.

But there was no sort of organization, and most of the men streamed back into the town that night, unpaid, unfed, and sullenly resentful. Then, like cannon shots, came the reports of the fall of York, Bradford, Leeds, Halifax, Hull, and Huddersfield, and the apparently wanton demolition of Norwich Cathedral. The sinking of the Dreadnought near the Nore was known in London within the hour.

That was the beginning of painful and wonderful days for me. I was one of the mutineers of the Nore, and Here followed a description of the days he had spent on the Ariadne and before, and of all that happened down to the time when he was arrested by the admiral in the West Indian Sea.

These were the months of the great mutinies of the British Navy, in which the seamen of the Channel fleet, and of the North Sea fleet, at the Nore, had taken the ships out of the hands of their officers.

From the Records of the Survey Office, List of H.M. Navy, 1771 to 1776, it has been ascertained that her price was 2,800 pounds, and the cost of fitting her for the voyage was 2,294 pounds. The reason she was named officially either the Bark Endeavour or Endeavour Bark, was that there was another Endeavour in the Navy, stationed at that time at the Nore.