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"I expect he'll come to a bad end," said Anna-Felicitas soothingly. They had tea in the restaurant and were the only people doing such a thing, a solitary cluster in a wilderness of empty tables laid for dinner. It wasn't the custom much in America, explained Mr. Twist, to have tea, and no preparations were made for it in hotels of that sort.

I never felt in a more melancholy mood than when I rode from his solitary prison." This is a good illustration of Irving's tender-heartedness; but considering Burr's whole character, it is altogether a womanish case of misplaced sympathy with the cool slayer of Alexander Hamilton.

He began to hate the little people whom he was before so fond of; he kept away from their banquets and dances, associated only with Elizabeth, and ate and drank quite solitary in his chamber. In short, he became almost a perfect hermit, and sank into moodiness and melancholy.

With throes and agony the soul seemed to wrench itself from the frame. The hours swept on midnight came clear and distinct the voice of the clock below reached that chamber. "Hush!" cried Lucilla, starting. "Hush!" and just at that moment, through the window opposite, the huge clouds, breaking in one spot, discovered high and far above them a solitary star.

As has already been said, there were no houses near by. That part of the city had not been much settled, and it was as solitary as it is in the outskirts of a country village. If he could only reveal his position to some person outside, so as to insure interference, he might yet obtain his freedom.

My solitary received me with manifest pleasure. He willingly consented to share in my dinner. I made him drink a little wine, to which he had ceased to be accustomed. He brightened up and began to talk about his past life. He had always resided in Paris, and had, it seemed to me, lived a gay bachelor's life.

Sometimes sitting on the summit of that great solitary hill, which gives the town its name, I would gaze by the hour on the wide prospect towards the interior, as if I could see, and never weary of seeing, all that lay beyond plains and rivers and woods and hills, and cabins where I had rested, and many a kindly human face.

We saw one old man, the keeper of a little solitary inn in the very heart of the hills, arrayed in the full glory of the old-time garb plaid, tartan, sporran and skene-dhu, all set off by the plumed Glengarry cap a picturesque old fellow indeed.

Then one day he had burst out, 'The wench is no better than a tiddy-fol-lol! Only this solitary phrase nothing else. What a tiddy-fol-lol was no one quite knew; but the word, getting about, stuck to him, and for some weeks boys used to shout it after him in the streets, until he caught one of them, and in thirty seconds put an end to the practice.

But, nevertheless, walking thus beneath those trees, she could not but think of Owen Fitzgerald. In this mood she had gone twice down from the house to the lodge and back again, and now again she had reached the lodge the third time, making thus her last journey for in these solitary walks her work was measured.