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For nearly eight hours he slept profoundly, with long snores, prone, inert, crammed and gorged with food. It was the middle of Sunday afternoon when he awoke. He roused himself and going over to the Plaza sat for a long while upon one of the benches.

Her husband cursed and raged, for hitherto he had at least had his wife next to him on the same floor. But she insisted upon having her own way. She said that Röschen wanted care, and mustn't sleep alone. And he saw that she was right. At night, when the house was so quiet that the ticking of the big clock sounded like peals of thunder and her husband's snores like a saw-mill hard at work, Mrs.

And as to the various kinds of water-thieves, said my friend Pea, there were the Tier-rangers, who silently dropped alongside the tiers of shipping in the Pool, by night, and who, going to the companion-head, listened for two snores snore number one, the skipper's; snore number two, the mate's mates and skippers always snoring great guns, and being dead sure to be hard at it if they had turned in and were asleep.

And Marcolf replies, "No, I think." "What thinkest thou?" "That there are as many vertebrae in the hare's tail as in his backbone." The king, assured that he has now entrapped his adversary, replies: "If thou provest not this, thou diest in the morning!" Over and over again Marcolf snores, and is awakened by Solomon, but he is always thinking.

He hastily readjusted his dress, so that he might be in readiness for whatever should happen, and feeling a little excited at this novel commotion. "What can be the matter with poor old Miraut? He usually sleeps from sunset to sunrise without making a sound, save his snores.

Appel with her soap and towel on the way to "Nature's wash-basin," was inspired by some evil spirit to inquire how she had rested. "Rested!" she hissed at him. "Who could rest, to say nothing of sleeping, within six blocks of Mr. Penrose? A man who snores as he does should not be permitted to have his tent among human beings.

'Have you had a bad night, ma'am? asked Nell. 'I seldom have anything else, child, replied Mrs Jarley, with the air of a martyr. 'I sometimes wonder how I bear it. Remembering the snores which had proceeded from that cleft in the caravan in which the proprietress of the wax-work passed the night, Nell rather thought she must have been dreaming of lying awake.

Denis started, hesitated, and then ran down into the cabin again to see whether the King had awakened. But far from it: he was flat on his back and looking far from king-like, for his mouth was open and he was giving forth sounds which in a common person would have been called snores.

The Prince was eager instantly to set off to look for the silver wand. "Stay," whispered the Fairy Sabrina, "she yet deeps with one eye open, like a weasel; wait till she closes both, and snores." Accordingly they waited till both Kalyb's eyes were closed, and loud snores echoed along the vaulted roof. Then off they set.

Then, after a little desultory conversation, one by one sank from incoherence into silence, and rose from silence to snores, while Paul alone lay sleepless, listening to the creeping tinkle of the dying fire, drearily wondering at the marvellous change that had come over his life and fortunes in the last few hours, and feverishly composing impassioned appeals which were to touch the Doctor's heart and convince his reason.