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The windows are closed, the curtains drawn, the inhabitants retired into the coolest recesses of their mansions; the full-fed monk snores in his dormitory; the brawny porter lies stretched on the pavement beside his burden; the peasant and the laborer sleep beneath the trees of the Alameda, lulled by the sultry chirping of the locust.

The snores stopped. "Ay, ay!" said a sleepy voice. "What's the matter, master?" "Matter!" repeated the other, choking violently. "Ain't you going to sail to-night?" "To-night!" said another voice, in surprise. "Why, I thought we wasn't going to sail till Wen'sday."

"It's not the law, I reckon I'm an honest citizen in purpose, anyhow, and as to how I came in I wanted a crust of bread and rang at your hall door." "Servants don't sleep here," said Kellerman. "Cook snores, bungalow like a fiddle for conveying sounds, come here for sleep and rest. They sleep at a cottage down the road." "So?" said Jones.

Already she heard the snores of two coachmen and a groom, who were taking their siesta in the stable, after having dined copiously. But she was still sitting in a bower from which the deserted high road could be seen, when all at once her attention was caught by a light cloud of dust rising in the distance.

Toward the north they strolled, past a huddle of tents, for the most part unlighted. From some came snores and through many a windblown flap, the searching moonlight revealed sleeping figures. On a waste of sand-dunes McTurpin paused. "Now tell me what ye want," he snarled, "and be damned quick about it. I've small time to waste with meddlers."

Then he hunts himself out a hollow tree or rock-shelter, curls himself up quietly to sleep, and snores away the whole livelong winter. During this period of hibernation, the action of the heart is reduced to a minimum, and the bear breathes but very slowly.

The bed was a single one, and the sheets had brought the proprietor many a twenty-five-cent piece since coming from the laundry. The additional furnishings of the "room" were six nails driven in the board wall to hold one's clothes. From all over the floor came lusty snores and the mutterings of world-worn men.

You are an ox. When I wake this morning, with a mouth like gum arabic, he sits there as if he had not stirred all night. Then to bed, and snores till midday, through all the hellish light and noise." Here Furst could not resist making a little joke. He announced himself by a chuckle-like the click of a clock about to strike. "He's got to make the most of his liberty. He doesn't often get off duty.

He, I suppose, slept in the great cabin, which was seventy feet long at the least, nor, I am bound to say, did I hear in the night any snores or roars, such as you would fancy ought to accompany the sleep of ogres. I don't remember to have heard the lady's voice, though I might, not unnaturally, have been curious to hear it.

But I'll divide mine with the poor; and he laid himself across the rug to listen. For an hour or better he remained there, and then set up a low but regular snore. For this cunning invader had a notion in his head that Bridget might possibly be hovering still about the lower regions. For five minutes the monotonous, low-rolling snores went up, and then there was a creaking upon the stairs.