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"O Mollah!" said His Highness, here interrupting his governor's affectionate appeal, "you are good to talk about Trumpington and the Pons Asinorum, but if you interfere with the course of justice in any way, or prevent me from shooting any dog of an Arab who snarls at my heels, I have another pistol; and, by the beard of the Prophet! a bullet for you too."

Smoke felt the sled heel up on one runner as it rounded an invisible curve, and from ahead came the snarls of beasts and the oaths of men. This was known afterward as the Barnes-Slocum Jam. It was the teams of these two men which first collided, and into it, at full career, piled Smoke's seven big fighters.

True to their several characteristics, Spot manifested an amiable and wide-awake interest in all about him, Queen repelled all advances with snaps and snarls, and Baldy quivered with a dread of the unknown, and was only reassured when he felt Ben Edwards' hand on his collar, and listened to the low, encouraging tones of the boy's voice.

Then the little beggar, electric with fear to every hair tip, crouches and snarls menacingly and almost at the same time whimpers appeasingly at the storm-monster outside. "Father knows the sea," Miss West said to me this afternoon. "He understands it, and he loves it." "Or it may be habit," I ventured. She shook her head. "He does know it. And he loves it. That is why he has come back to it.

Tony said he was sure they stopped and looked round, every now and then yelling together, and asking each other to turn back and renew the attack. The lads at last lay down, but all night long the wolves kept up their bowlings close to them with snarls and other noises. "I dare say now that those fellows have got some carcase or other, and are making merry over it," said Rob.

Mrs. Cobb sat by her mending basket, and uncle Jerry took down a gingham bag of strings and occupied himself in taking the snarls out of them, a favorite evening amusement with him. Rebecca soon had the lines copied in her round school-girl hand, making such improvements as occurred to her on sober second thought. Two maidens by a river strayed, 'T was in the state of Maine.

He is a perfect gentleman, generous and kind; and as for the way in which he runs that lovely car of his "The Cap'n interrupted her. He ripped out somethin' emphatic. "'Generous! he snarls. ''Bout as generous as a hog in the feed trough, he is. And as for runnin' that pesky auto, if I'd demean myself to own one of them things, I'll bet my other suit I could run it better'n he does.

"Patience and perseverance" is our motto; and yet many times, as we endeavor to unravel the snarls and untie the knots, we find that the above virtues almost forsake us. May 26. This afternoon we had mounted regimental drill, and this was followed by dress-parade. Our time is now devoted mostly to drilling, in preparation, as we all think, for some movement. May 29.

A number of piebald horses stood in different parts of the enclosure, nosing idly at the dusty ground, and paying not the slightest heed either to the scent of the different wild creatures, or to the roaring snarls and growls that issued continuously from Killer's cage. Familiarity had bred indifference in them to things which would have sent a horse from outside half crazy with fear.

At length avarice conquers prudence; there is a snap, two snarls, and a violent tussle, during which both puppies roll over and over each other on the damp path, and finally, the mother interfering, seizes the bone of contention as her own, and in canine language, desires the two culprits to follow her with hang-dog looks and lowered tails, to their kennel.