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But the program for economic recovery that is in place will pull the economy out of its slump and put us on the road to prosperity and stable growth by the latter half of this year. And that is why I can report to you tonight that in the near future the state of the Union and the economy will be better much better if we summon the strength to continue on the course that we've charted.

Howard warned me the slump was coming, but I thought it was the square-face making him lie. And Curtis has blown his brains out, and his head luna has run away with his daughter, and the sugar chemist has got typhoid, and everything's going to smash. "He clapped his hands for his servants, and commanded: 'Bring me my singing boys. And the hula dancers plenty of them. And send for old Howard.

From the night of the charivari when Red Martin handed the boys twenty dollars the largest sum ever contributed to a similar purpose in the town's history he and the Princess began to slump. The sloughing off of the veneer of civilisation was not rapid, but it was sure.

John Bottomley Bull, let him slump into being a millionaire, if he cannot very well help it! We say, some of us, let him even make cocoa! or have family prayers! or be a Liberal! At least this is the way one American visiting England feels about it, if he may be permitted. Perhaps I would not, if I were an angel. I do not want to be an angel. I am more ambitious.

"And the next time the call was made, a lot more would slump. Before long we should be so reduced in numbers that the brig would hold us all, and a few of us would have to stand the punishment for the sins of the crowd. You led us into the scrape; now you must help us out of it." "Who led you into it?" asked Raymond, indignantly. "You and your fellows, of course," retorted the heavy champion.

They were wrapped in deep talk, and appeared to be most amicable. Now, naturally, relations had been a trifle strained between Sir Adolphus and the house of Vandrift since the incident of the Slump; but under the present circumstances, and with such a matter at stake as the capture of Colonel Clay, it was necessary to overlook all such minor differences.

The slump is liable to begin any day." "My mind is made up," said the other firmly, and Gardner was in despair. "Will you or will you not execute an order for me at the opening to-morrow? I'll start with ten thousand shares. What will it cost me to margin it for ten points?" "At least a hundred thousand, exclusive of commission, which would be twelve and a half a hundred shares."

It takes more brains to pursue a mutual interest with a man than to slump down without noticing him into being an altruist with him.

The only other occupant was a man with a large black dress-suit case, who sat at the window in a slump of dejection. He raised his head for a moment when they were summoned and let it sag down again as they left. Average Jones greeted his guests cordially. Their first questions to him were significant of the masculine and feminine differences in point of view.

Some of them had sustained occasional losses; but these were trifling compared with their winnings. When the slump came all were heavily committed to the bull side. It was a bad slump. It was so unexpected by the lambs that all of them said, very gravely, it came like a thunderclap out of a clear sky.