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But nothing worse than sounds troubled the party that night, as not long after this conversation the two lads obeyed the doctor's suggestion that they should creep under the awning, whose canvas sides were tightly belayed to the gunwale; and though both declared that they would never close their eyes, they and the watches into which the little crew was divided followed the Spanish skipper's example, and in turn slept heavily till sunrise, the great orange globe slowly rolling up over the edge of the forest and shining brilliantly down upon the glittering river, for as over-night there was not a sign of mist.

He found it on a shelf in the skipper's state-room, and, passing up on deck again, stepped ashore. From the first three people he spoke to he obtained no information whatever. They all inspected the photograph curiously and indulged in comments, mostly unfavorable, but all agreed that there was nobody like it in Brittlesea.

I inquired. And, as I asked the question, several of the passengers who had overheard the skipper's remark craned forward over the table in eager anticipation of his reply. "Why, sir," answered Dacre, "she is built of iron instead of good, sound, wholesome heart of oak; that's the fault I find with her. I have never been shipmates with iron before, and I confess I don't like it.

And the next moment he was in Skipper's arms, jowl against cheek, and the tongue was again flashing out in all the articulateness possible for a creature denied speech. It was a veritable love-feast, as dear to one as to the other. "Gott-fer-dang!" Captain Van Horn crooned.

The Mess may make use of the kitchen; the spare bed is at the Skipper's disposal; the cow will move up and make room for the First Mate; the pig will be only too happy to welcome the Subalterns to its modest abode. Ordinary billeting officers stand no chance against our William and his political education.

He crept inside the arm that tossed, snuggled against Skipper's side, laid his head on Skipper's shoulder, his cool nose barely touching Skipper's cheek, and felt the arm curl about him and press him closer.

"Whatever are you a-goin' to do with this awful codfish, Gib?" he demanded. Mr. Gibney cocked his hat over one ear and blew a cloud of smoke in the skipper's face. "Well, boys, I'll tell you. Salted codfish that's been under water a long time gets most o' the salt took out of it, an' even at sea, if it's left long enough, it'll get so durned ripe that it's what you might call offensive.

Sir Thomas has also had something to say about that part of your adventure which relates to the loss of the Dolores" and here I thought I detected a twinkle of amusement in the skipper's eye, brought there possibly by a repetition of the General's frank criticism of my commanding officer's conduct in turning us all adrift in an unarmed vessel "from which I gather that you were in no way to blame for that unfortunate occurrence."

"You're the youngest chief mate I've ever seen, and this is your first berth in that capacity," he began. "Suppose you hang on to it and don't be so infernally generous." "But you have a first mate's license, haven't you?" "Certainly. But " "No ifs or buts, Mike. The skipper's dead; I was first mate; consequently I take command of the ship, and by virtue of my authority I appoint you first mate.

Through all of that month and through most of the month of May we chased the mackerel up the coast. By the middle of May we were well up front with the killers, and our skipper's reputation was gaining. The vessel, too, was getting quite a name as a sailer.