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Tish told Charlie Sands about the plan, and he was quite enthusiastic. "Great scheme!" he said. "Eat a broiled black bass for me. And take the advice of one who knows: don't skimp on your fishing-tackle. Get the best. Go light on the canned goods, if necessary; but get the best reels and lines on the market.

And with a powerful organization behind them it was not necessary for Carty and his associates to starve and skimp through interminable years, handicapped by the inadequate equipment, while they slowly achieved results. This great organization, working with modern methods, produced the most wonderful results with startling rapidity.

Do you have trouble to attend to both? Do you have to skimp your studies? I know you give full attention to the pigskin." "I'm hard put some days to find time for everything," answered Joel, "but I always manage to make it somehow, and I have all the sleep I want or need.

"A creature who teaches geography, arithmetic, and the use of the globes ha! a wretched remnant of femininity, a skimp pattern of girlhood with a premature flavor of tea-leaves and morality. Ugh!" I bowed my head silently. "Listen to me, girl!" he said sternly; "this child you have come to teach my ward is not legitimate. She is the offspring of my mistress, a common harlot. Ah!

I have talked with Causidiena and it is clear that you do not neglect or skimp your duties, that you give them full time and close attention. Your leisure is your own to do with as you please. And your immediate success appears an evidence that, to say the least, your undertakings give no offence to the gods."

The second time was when we had what Mary Magdalen calls "mulatto rice," which is a dish built upon a firm foundation of small strips of bacon, onion, stewed tomatoes, and rice, and a later and last addition of deliciously browned country sausages. Fernolia, beaming upon The Author hospitably, broke her parole: "You ain't called to skimp yo'self none on dat rice," she told him confidentially.

Where is the fun, or glory, or enjoyment of this muddling and tippling I am ashamed of you! Come on, I say!" But Poussette was hard to move; Crabbe, on the other hand, rose and shuffled out of doors in the direction of the forest; Ringfield thought he saw Madame Poussette's skimp skirts behind a tree; presently she emerged and stood talking to the guide. "Come now, Poussette! There's your wife.

But Aunt Rebecca went on, astonishing the other woman more and deepening the conviction that the strange talk was due to flightiness. "Yes, I made a will! Some people'll say I was crazy, but you tell them for me I'm as sane as any one. My goodness, can't abody do what abody wants with your own money? Didn't I slave and scratch and skimp like everything all my life!

"A creature who teaches geography, arithmetic, and the use of the globes ha! a wretched remnant of femininity, a skimp pattern of girlhood with a premature flavor of tea-leaves and morality. Ugh!" I bowed my head silently. "Listen to me, girl!" he said sternly; "this child you have come to teach my ward is not legitimate. She is the offspring of my mistress, a common harlot. Ah!

But when she went up into the great brilliantly lighted bedchamber at the Selwyns', and saw Mary Marcy in her perfectly fitting gown drawing on her delicate gloves, and talking with several young ladies beautifully dressed in fresh muslin and silk, the skimp skirt and sleeves, the shrunken waist and washed sash, seemed all at once very mean and shabby to Angela.