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The prospect of war had been unpopular in the extreme, but the tidings of the first success kindled the flame of patriotism. Bismarck lost for ever the title of the "best-hated man in Prussia" in the loud volume of the enthusiastic greetings of the populace, and on the day of Muenchengraetz and Skalitz Prussia now rejoiced to put her stubborn neck under the great minister's foot.

"Did you become an officer?" "No, fraulein, only a 'vize-Feldwebel." "Have you fought in a battle?" "Oh, yes, at Burkersdork, Skalitz, Koniginhof, and Koniggratz." "That must have been frightfully interesting. And have you ever killed one of the enemy?" "Happily not. It does not fall to the lot of every soldier to kill a man. He does his duty if he stands up in his place ready to be killed."

One point only we will note, in these Pandour turmoilings. From Skalitz, the first stage of his march, he answers a Letter of Brother Henri's: Next to our Mother, she is what I have the most tenderly loved in this world. She is a Sister who has my heart and all my confidence; and whose character is of price beyond all the crowns in this universe.

Daun had beset the three great roads, the two likeliest especially, with abundant Pandours, and his best Loudons and St. Ignons: Friedrich, making himself enigmatic to Daun, struck into the third road by Skalitz, Nachod; circuitous, steep, but lying Glatz-ward, handy for support of various kinds. And in five days was in Kloster-Grussau, safe on his own side of the Mountains again.

Daun, from Skalitz near Konigsgratz where he is, has but some eighty miles to march, for the King's hundred and fifty; and arrives in those parts few days after the King; posts himself at Leutomischl, veiled in Pandours.

Prince Dietrich, not doubting but it would return next day, made the necessary preparations overnight. And there is the following minute phenomenon, fit for a picturesque human memory: "As this, from Skalitz to Ungarisch-Brod, is a long march, and the roads were almost impassable, Prince Dietrich with his Corps did not arrive till after dark.