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"Oh, take care there, my Angel! I mustn't lose her!" cried Take-a-Stitch, distraught at seeing her treasure swept off her tiny feet in the crush. "In course you mustn't, sissy!" cried a hearty, kindly voice, as a timely deck-hand caught up the child and restored her to Glory's arms. "'Course not; though there's many a one would snap at such a beauty, if you give 'em a chance.

Gradgrind had presented Mrs. Bounderby, Sissy had suddenly turned her head, and looked, in wonder, in pity, in sorrow, in doubt, in a multitude of emotions, towards Louisa. Louisa had known it, and seen it, without looking at her. From that moment she was impassive, proud and cold held Sissy at a distance changed to her altogether.

"But mamma, you know its quite true," said Sissy. "Didn't I show you de black man just now, Miss Sheppard, when he was going to de lake? I said dere's de blackfellow, and he's got papa's lowsers on, didn't I now?" The times seemed prosperous with us, but it was only a deceptive gleam of sunshine before the coming storm of adversity.

They will be different, I will be different yet, with Heaven's help. She gave her hand to Sissy, as if she meant with her help too. 'Your wretched brother, said Mr. Gradgrind. 'Do you think he had planned this robbery, when he went with you to the lodging? 'I fear so, father. I know he had wanted money very much, and had spent a great deal.

He never used to go there. It was never in his way. His way was the same as mine, and not near it. Sissy had already been at her side asking her where she lived, and whether she might come to-morrow night, to inquire if there were news of him. 'I doubt, said Rachael, 'if he can be here till next day. 'Then I will come next night too, said Sissy. When Rachael, assenting to this, was gone, Mr.

Therefore, it was more to please himself than oblige Susanna, that he called through the window: "Sissy, do you like chestnuts?" "Oh, I love them! Why? And please, please don't call me 'Sissy. It makes me feel so silly.

No boy of mine with a poor daddy eats up four years of his life and my salary training to be a college sissy. That's for the rich men's sons. That's for the Clarence Ungers." "I'll pay it back some day, pop; I ." "They all say that." "If it's the money, Harry, maybe I can " "If it didn't cost a cent, I wouldn't have it. Now cut it out you hear? Quick!"

"Not much," says I. "Well, I hope not," says Mitch. "He's a sissy spoiled by his ma. And you don't call this any fun, do you, pitchin' ball with a ball so good that you dassn't let it roll on the ground?

A light breeze tossed the acacia-boughs and showed flashes of blue between the quivering sprays. The dew was still hanging on the clustered white roses which climbed to her open window, and the birds were singing among the leaves as if they were running races in a headlong rapture of delight. Sissy did not sing, but she said to herself, "Oh, how glad the Latimers must be!"

Cullum, reaching out his long arms, had cleared half the board of its stone and glass ware. Finally he laid a savage hand upon a small, old-fashioned blue pitcher left standing alone in a wide waste of table-cloth. At this Sissy surrendered unconditionally. "Oh, Tobe, fer Gawd's sake!" she cried, throwing out her hands and quivering from head to foot. "I give in! I give in!