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"Well," he said, "ef it's right, it's right. Ef I'd done wrong I'd stan' up an' face wot come ob it." Uncle Sheba knew when his wife would return, and was ready to receive her in the meekest of moods. He had cut an unusual quantity of wood and kindlings, but they failed to propitiate. Sissy soon called her mother to come over to her cabin to hear of Mr. Birdsall's visit, and all that it portended.

Oscar could not help laughing at this amusing mistake, and Mary, feeling hurt at the liberty he took, began to move away; but he held her by the hand, saying: "No, don't go yet, Sissy you got my name almost right, after all. Cousin Oscar Preston, from Boston, that was what you meant to say, was n't it?" "Yes," replied Mary. "Now tell me what your name is?" continued Oscar.

But, Sissy glanced at him with great attention; nor did she in her own breast misunderstand him. As they were all going out again, he favoured her with one slight roll of his movable eye, desiring her to linger behind. As he locked the door, he said excitedly: 'The Thquire thtood by you, Thethilia, and I'll thtand by the Thquire.

They walked in; and Sissy having set two chairs for them, sped away with a quick, light step. They heard the doors of rooms above opening and shutting, as Sissy went from one to another in quest of her father. She came bounding down again in a great hurry, opened an old hair trunk, found it empty, and looked around with her face full of terror. "Father must have gone down to the Booth, sir.

I have often sat with Sissy near me, and thought about it. I shall never get its name now. But your father may. It makes me restless. I want to write to him, to find out for God's sake, what it is. Give me a pen, give me a pen. Even the power of restlessness was gone, except from the poor head, which could just turn from side to side.

"Sissy, God knows I thank you for your goodness. I sha'n't forget it, living or dying. If only you might be spared " "No, no. Say 'Yes, Percival." "I will say 'Yes' if, when I have done, you wish it still. But it must be 'Yes' for some one besides myself. Dear, don't give it to me to make amends in any way. You have not wronged me, Sissy.

By spring, the new house was well under way, and, matters progressing so favorably, the owners decided to take a holiday while the work was going on. Clemens had been eager to show England to his wife; so, taking little Sissy, now a year old, they sailed in May, to be gone half a year. They remained for a time in London a period of honors and entertainment.

Once before she had had occasion to use her simple remedies on Sissy an illness as simple as her remedies; but she could feel something of Mrs. Levins' concern for her offspring, and and it was an ideal night for a gallop over the plains.

He stopped with a comical look of alarm. "I say, we haven't got any parsons here, have we?" "No," said Fothergill smiling. "We've brought the surgeon, in case of broken bones, but we've left the chaplain at home. So you may give us the full benefit of your opinions." "I thought there wasn't one," Archie remarked, looking up at Sissy, "because nobody said grace.

I won't be hard on you nor none of you'se folks when de jedgment day comes. But so much happen since dat ar time wen He was yere dat I kinder got mixed up. I reckon I jes' be s'pended, an' let Him put de ole woman whar she belong wen de time comes." There was pathos in her tones; her stoicism had passed away, and tears were streaming from her eyes, while Sissy was sobbing audibly.