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He defiantly stood his ground, towering above her like a leaning tower. "The hull cartload of it?" "No. I'm goin' to sell part of it an' git me an overcoat" "Sell it!" she shouted. "Nobuddy'll buy that sick'nin' stuff but an old numbskull like you. Take that slop out o' the house this minute! Take it right down to the sink-hole an' smash every bottle on the stones."

The poor beast was still attached to his team, and hopelessly struggled against his twofold fate; for he had fallen into a 'sink-hole' that the treacherous snow had concealed, and his driver, unable to extricate him, had abandoned him to his fate, or gone for help. Brandishing his whip, Tom shouted at the wolves in hope of frightening them off.

"Fine sink-hole you picked out for Number Ten, don't you think?" queried Blake. Neale eyed his interrogator with somewhat of a penetrating glance. Blake did not meet that gaze frankly. "Yes, it's a sink-hole, all right, and no mistake," replied Neale. "It's just what I calculated when I ran the plans.... Did you follow those plans?"

But most of the men are too sensible, and too poor, to drink so as really to harm themselves." "Peter, Peter! To think that three years in New York should bring you to talk so! I knew New York was a sink-hole of iniquity, but I thought you were too good a boy to be misled." "Mother, New York has less evil in it than most places.

"While you can buy accommodations in a graveyard or break into a penitentiary, don't you ever live in St. Jo Missouri, George." The man in the adjacent seat half turned toward Dr. Surtaine and looked him up and down, with a freezing regard. "It's the sink-hole and sewer-pipe of creation, George. They once elected a chicken-thief mayor, and he resigned because the town was too mean to live in.

Thus led on he could not help himself, any more than he had been able to help himself on the afternoon of the sink-hole. He had meant to hold himself strictly in hand with this too attractive Englishwoman.

Crossing it, four miles from Williams, the railway enters a belt of cedars and junipers, passes Red Lake, a volcanic sink-hole, which, at rare intervals, is filled with water. Deer and Antelope. For a dozen miles the road passes through a series of charming parks, where deer and antelope are sometimes seen.

The trap was sprung, they were committed to the adventure, to follow him wherever he might lead; and Wunpost never stopped spurring until he had descended the steep canyon and led them out in the dry wash below. It was like climbing down a wall into a sink-hole of boiling heat, but Lynch did not weaken and Wunpost bowed his head and took the main trail to the ranch.

"Well, we can't any of us cross can we? till they come to some bottom in the sink-hole," said the Canadian, interrupting her a trifle bluntly. Elizabeth laughed. "We may be here then till night." "Possibly. But you'll be the first over." "How? There are some trains in front." "That doesn't matter. They'll move you up. They're very vexed it should have happened to you."

For her father had told her about Lamo's men how they were slaves to the will of the man whose deeds of outlawry had made him feared wherever men congregated; and she knew Lamo itself was a sink-hole of iniquity where women were swallowed by the evil passions of men. She might have appealed to Gage, the sheriff, and she thought of Gage while she sat at the window.