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Nevertheless there are here and there those among the faithful who continue to say, Ma sopra tutto nel buon via ho fede; E credo che sia salvo che gli crede. And since latterly the Russians have introduced their brandy, the number of believers is not small, who, on mounting their steeds, will take a stirrup cup of schnapps when offered.

Thus the law "Dei maleficii et herbarie." Cap. XVI. of the code, entitled "Della Commissione del maleficio" says, "Statuimo etiamdio che se alcun homo o femina harra fatto maleficii, iguali so dimandono volgarmente amatorie, o veramente alcuni altri maleficii, che alcun homo o femina se havesson in odio, sia frusta et bollade, et che hara consigliato, patisca simile pena."

to whom, with all the readiness of the bucolic shepherds, whom this classic soil even now produces, Card. Sorbelloni, the Pope's cousin, replied: Risponda dunque; O beata sorte! Risponda alla divina cantilena Da tutte parti la beata Corte, Si ch' ogni vista ne sia pi

"Orazio, I hope you and your ugly fool of a mother will die slowly of a horrible disease, and be tormented in hell for ever. May your flesh be covered with sores while your bones rot and are gnawed by worms. Cosi sia!" She crossed herself devoutly, and then drank some of the wine and flung the glass over her shoulder. It fell to the floor and crashed to splinters.

Just receive a quatrain of the pure spring, and judge for yourself: "Chi gode goda, che pur io stento; Chi e in pace si sia, ch' io son in guerra; Chi ha diletto l' habbi, ch' io ho tormento; Chi vive lieto, in me dolor afferra." Balance is there. Vocalisation, adjustment of sound, discriminate use of long syllables and short, of subjunctive and indicative moods.

Lorenzino began by telling the man there was a courtier who put insults upon him, and Scoronconcolo professed his readiness to kill the knave. 'Sia chi si voglia; io l'ammazzerò, se fosse Cristo. Up to the last minute the name of Alessandro was not mentioned.

In the great hall sat an ancient man who might have been some eighty years of age. Sia cast himself down on the ground before him in homage. The old man bade him rise, and assigned him a place at the table. Soon a number of girls and women came crowding in to look at him. Then the old man turned to them and said: "Go to the room of the bride and tell her that the bridegroom has arrived!"

They groaned and cried out, 'Misericordia! and many monks were made upon the spot. At last, on April 7, Fra Roberto took his leave of the Perugians, crying as he went, 'La pace sia con voi! We have a glimpse of the same Fra Roberto da Lecce at Rome, in the year 1482. The feuds of the noble families della Croce and della Valle were then raging in the streets of Rome.

Still I can see that sweet stoop of thy humility, still thy hands crossed upon thy lovely bosom, still fall under the spell of thy shyly welcoming eyes, and be refreshed, while I am stung, by the gracious greeting of thy lips. "Sia il ben venuto, Signer Francesco," saidst thou? Alas, what did I prove to thee, unhappy one, but il mal venuto, the herald of an evil hour?

For, amid a ripple of laughter, a rich Southern voice was heard to say with a sigh of mock resignation: "SIA FATTA LA VOLONTA DI DIO!" Then silence. . . . Denis turned. He walked up the steps as in a dream, neither slowly nor fast. No one was ever more unhappy, though he scarcely felt as yet the depths of his own humiliation. It was more like a stab a numbing assassin-like stab.