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In front of the ugly, bare little station I turned, and stretching out my hands I blessed the little city with all my heart, murmuring in my glowing, passionate mother tongue: "Benedetto sia 'l giorno e 'l mese e 'l anno E la stagione e 'l tempo e 'l ora e 'l punto E 'l bel paese e 'l loco ov' io fu giunto Da duo begli occhi, che legato m' hanno." "Dear Lucia, will you hear me a moment?

Omero Agamennon vittorioso, E fe' i Trojan parer vili et inerti; E che Penelopea fida al suo sposo Da i prochi mille oltraggi avea sofferti: E, se tu vuoi che 'l ver non ti sia ascoso, Tutta al contrario l'istoria converti: Che i Greci rotti, e che Troia vittrice, E che Penelopea fu meretrice.

And as for Lorenzo dead and gone before his time he was a man who had an eye for curious iron-work; and if anybody says he wanted to make himself a tyrant, I say, `Sia; I'll not deny which way the wind blows when every man can see the weathercock. But that only means that Lorenzo was a crested hawk, and there are plenty of hawks without crests whose claws and beaks are as good for tearing.

This later Magdalen, as Vasari says, "ancorchè che sia bellissima, non muove a lascivia, ma a commiserazione," and the contrary might, without exaggeration, be said of the Pitti picture. Another of the Barbarigo heirlooms which so passed into the Hermitage is the ever-popular Venus with the Mirror, the original of many repetitions and variations.

"Maladetta sia la vostra testa!" "Curses be upon your head!" said one whom I passed without notice. The priests are, however, the greatest beggars.

The children of Keros, the children of Sia, the children of Padon, The children of Lebana, the children of Hagaba, the children of Shalmai, The children of Hanan, the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, The children of Reaiah, the children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, The children of Gazzam, the children of Uzza, the children of Phaseah,

Le jubile approche, et vous n'avez ni provisions, ni vivres; les etrangers...trouvent votre ville denue de tout. It is set forth as the third ordinance: "Che nulla case di Roma sia data per terra per alcuna cagione, ma vada in commune;" which simply means, that the houses of delinquents should in no instance be razed, but added to the community or confiscated.

'Sta la ragione che abbiamo cantato; Sia a Gesù bambino rappresentata." The sudden introduction of "Quel Angelo" in this song reminds us of a similar felicity in the romantic ballad of "Lord Bateman," where we are surprised to learn that "this Turk," to whom no allusion had been previously made, "has one lovely daughter." The air to which this is sung is very simple and sweet, though monotonous.

Then a few years passed and the boy gradually grew up. A marriage between him and a certain Mistress Giang was decided upon. But the Frog King sent word to Mistress Giang: "Young Sia is my son-in-law. How dare you undertake to lay claim to what does not belong to you!" Then Father Giang was frightened, and took back his promise. This made Old Sia very sad.

Young Sia, too, had become more settled by this time, and was no longer so mischievous. So he and his wife grew to love each other more sincerely day by day. Once the princess said to him: "Formerly, when you always treated me so badly, I feared that we would not keep company into our old age. So I never asked heaven to send us a child.