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Louise had just returned from distributing semiquavers in the city; her eyes and poor Mother Gerard's were filled with tears of joy. "What, my darling, "said the mother, embracing her child, "are you going to trouble yourself about our necessaries of life, too?" "Do you see this little sister?" said Louise, laughing cordially. "She is going to earn a pile of money as large as she is herself.

The former of these is divided by bars, each bar containing three crotchets, or a proportional number of their subdivisions into quavers and semiquavers. This kind of time is analogous to the measure of our heroic or iambic verse.

How well 'twas tuned to the sound of their bells! You'll never find these to jar, that you won't. Pantagruel made a notable observation upon the processions; for says he, Have you seen and observed the policy of these Semiquavers?

Louise had just returned from distributing semiquavers in the city; her eyes and poor Mother Gerard's were filled with tears of joy. "What, my darling," said the mother, embracing her child, "are you going to trouble yourself about our necessaries of life, too?" "Do you see this little sister?" said Louise, laughing cordially. "She is going to earn a pile of money as large as she is herself.

He was restless, he did not know what he wanted, but wherever he went he studied semiquavers, naturals, and flats; it was part of the conditions. The princess was herself a great traveller; two or three times a year Samuel Brohl received a visit from her. She questioned him, examined him, felt him, as we feel a peach to be certain it is ripe.

Loans like that always suit the loan companies. It's ten to one that when the note falls due the foreclosure will be leading the semiquavers by a couple of lengths. "Well, sir, I reach in my pocket for the abstract of title; but I suddenly hear my team running away.

It tries one a little to be talking to children about quavers and semiquavers when one's head is full of great plans, and you know that at any moment a policeman may tap you on the shoulder and take you off to the dungeons of St. Nicholas, from which one will never return unless one is carried out, or is sent to Siberia, which would be worse.

But when he came to what he conceived the pith of his argument or the point of his joke, he mouthed out his words with slow emphasis; as a hen, when advertising her accouchement, passes at irregular intervals from pianissimo semiquavers to fortissimo crotchets. He thought this speech of Mr.

Quavers were common property in all musical countries quite early in the 16th century, and semiquavers appear in a madrigal of Palestrina published in 1574.

Dick's feelings on actually reaching the top in spite of his doubts were supplemented by a mortal fear that the fiddling might even stop at this supreme moment; which prompted him to convey a stealthy whisper to the far-gone musicians, to the effect that they were not to leave off till he and his partner had reached the bottom of the dance once more, which remark was replied to by the nearest of those convulsed and quivering men by a private nod to the anxious young man between two semiquavers of the tune, and a simultaneous "All right, ay, ay," without opening the eyes.