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Weyburn to accompany her brother on the coach to Harwich next day, and spend two or three days by the sea. But Weyburn's mind had been set in the opposite direction up Thames instead of down. He was about to refuse, but he checked his voice and hummed. Words of Selina's letter jumped in italics. He perceived Lady Ormont's hand. For one thing, would she be at Great Marlow alone?

'So he will forgive 'ee, since 'twas no manner of wrong to him. He ought to have sent 'ee a line, saying 'twas another man. Selina's mother entered. 'We've not known of this an hour, Mrs. Stone, she said. 'The letter was brought up from Lower Mellstock Post-office by one of the school children, only this afternoon. Mr. Miller was coming here this very night to settle about the wedding doings.

Then I returned to my own room and lay down in bed, waiting to be composed. My restless nights are passed in Selina's room. Her bed remains near the window. My bed has been placed opposite, near the door. Our night-light is hidden in a corner, so that the faint glow of it is all that we see. What trifles these are to write about!

"She must mean Betty," I explained. "She has gone to bed, I think." "Don't let her in this room again," she said, with awful emphasis. "She is an infamous creature." "Oh, come now, Aunt Selina," Jim broke in; "she's foolish, perhaps, but she's a nice little thing." Aunt Selina's face was a curious study.

She felt their disregard of her uncle as heartless, or rather as insulting, on Selina's part, and weak on Griff's; and on all sides she heard of their reckless extravagance, which made her forebode the worst. All these disappointments much diminished my father's pleasure and interest in his inheritance.

The Misses Leaf never stinted their servant in any thing in which they did not stint themselves. Strange to say, in spite of Miss Selina's prophecies, the girl's respectful conduct did not abate: on the contrary, it seemed to increase.

Incensed by Selina's bold attempt to malign her friends and herself, she now turned to Miss Rutledge and said: "I wish you to know, Miss Rutledge, that the four sophomores chosen, besides Miss Seaton, to make the team fully intended to resign from it because of their loyalty to Miss Stearns. She begged them not to do so. She was very brave over the disappointment.

Harbison and the scene on the roof, with my flippancy; and the result of that flippancy the man on the stairs, the arms that held me, the terrible kisses that had scorched my lips it was awful! And then the absurd situation across Aunt Selina's bed, and Bella's face! Oh, it was all so ridiculous my having thought that the Harbison man was a gentleman, and finding him a cad, and worse.

The rational theory on this occasion was that one of the maids must have stolen out to join in the Christmas entertainment at the Winslow Arms, and been pursued home by some tipsy revellers; but this explanation was not productive of goodwill between the mother and daughter-in-law, since mamma had from the first so entirely suspected Selina's smart nurse as actually to have gone straight to the nursery on the plea of seeing whether the baby had been frightened.

Nevertheless Mrs. Ascott showed no unkindness nay, among the various changes that matrimony had produced in her, her temper appeared rather to have improved than otherwise; there was now seldom any trace of that touchy sharpness which used to be called "poor Selina's way." And yet Hilary never quitted the house without saying to herself, with a sigh, the old phrase, "Poor Selina!"