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But ... if thou findest everything else smaller and of less value than this, give place to nothing else.... Simply and freely choose the better, and hold to it. Men seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, seashores, and mountains; and thou too art wont to desire such things very much.

For example, the chalk, which constitutes a great part of the Cretaceous formation in some parts of the world, is practically identical in its physical and chemical characters with a substance which is now being formed at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and covers an enormous area; other beds of rock are comparable with the sands which art; being formed upon seashores, packed together, and so on.

Thus near the seashores, and indeed for a considerable distance into the continent, we find the air contains a certain amount of salt so finely divided that it floats in the atmosphere.

Of all my bird neighbours I think that these gave me most pleasure, especially at night, when lying awake I would listen by the hour to the perpetual curlew conversation going on in the dark an endless series of clear modulated notes and trills, with a beautiful expression of wildness and freedom, a reminder of lonely seashores and mountains and moorlands in the north country.

As I passed, I said, 'You'll mow 'em down in those clothes, Meyers." Buck sat down in his leisurely fashion, and laughed his low, pleasant laugh. "Can't you see him, Emma, at the seashore?" But something in Emma McChesney's eyes, and something in her set, unsmiling face, told him that she was not seeing seashores. She was staring straight at him, straight through him, miles beyond him.

"Men seek retreats for themselves, houses in the country, seashores, and mountains; but it is always in thy power to retire within thyself, for nowhere does a man retire with more quiet or freedom than into his own soul." Think of such sayings, written down in his diary on the evenings of the very days of battle with the barbarians on the Danube or in Hungarian marshes!

It's something new, picturesque negroes, Southern belles, old-time manners. You cannot afford to neglect it." "I don't see the fun of being yanked all over the United States in the middle of August." "You want shaking up. You've been drawing seashores with one figure in them till your pictures all look like well, like Lamont and water." "That's better," Forbes retorted, "than Benson and gruel."

It's something new, picturesque negroes, Southern belles, old-time manners. You cannot afford to neglect it." "I don't see the fun of being yanked all over the United States in the middle of August." "You want shaking up. You've been drawing seashores with one figure in them till your pictures all look like well, like Lamont and water." "That's better," Forbes retorted, "than Benson and gruel."

This is a terrible result of clumsy management. We have failed in every way. Broken faith has dissipated our character for sincerity, and our military operations have failed to attain their object, resulting in retreat upon every side, to be followed up even to the seashores of the Red Sea by an enemy that is within range of our gun-vessels at Souakim.

Some may have seen such plungings from many miles away and died of the concussion. The ground heaved in great waves which ran terribly in all directions. Vast chasms opened in the soil, and flames as of hell flowed out of them. Seashores were overwhelmed by mountainous tidal waves, caused by cubic miles of seawater turned to steam when islands fell into the ocean at tens of miles per second.