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Everything depends on how the judge and jury may be disposed to regard our story. I shall give a brief to the best man that can be had, and then we shall have done all that lies in our power." "I know I could not be in better hands. If anyone could get me off scot-free you are the man to do it, Larmer. But I don't expect it, and I am not sure that I care for it."

My conscience began to hurt me, and and hurt worse every day. It nearly drove me to drink again. Ah, boys, a man if he is a man can't expect to wrong a woman and escape scot-free in the end." Lally Thompson: "My oath!" The joker: "Dry up yer crimson oath! What do you know about women?" Cries of "Order!" "Well," continued the story-teller, "I got thinking.

The women got off scot-free; there was no proof that they had taken part in the robberies, though there is little doubt they knew all about them." "But how did they prove the men were concerned?"

And if I help him to half a score of fellows he will, of course, let me off scot-free publishers, you know, always give one copy in ten gratis to those who collect subscribers for them; why should the devil be more of a Jew? Razman, I smell powder. RAZ. Zounds! I smelt it long ago. You may depend upon it there has being something going forward hereabouts. Yes, yes!

They wanted to lay hands on his sanctuary but you and your disciples put them to rout. The rest got off scot-free..." "But they have taught me the value of my head," said Olympius laughing. "Evagrius prices it at three talents. Why, you might buy a house with the money and a modest man could live upon the interest. This worthy man keeps me concealed here.

By the wholesome law of the prairie, he who falls asleep on guard is condemned to walk all day leading his horse by the bridle, and we found much fault with our companions for not enforcing such a sentence on the offender. Nevertheless had he been of our party, I have no doubt he would in like manner have escaped scot-free.

There's a glory in being chosen to bear your country's wounds." "Your beautiful eyes! Your blue, beautiful eyes! O God, what does it all mean? Living! Dying! All the rotters, all the rat-eyed ones I know, scot-free and Gerald chosen. God! God! where are you?" "He was never so close to me as now, Hester. And with you here, dear, He is closer than ever."

It is true that this unknown and mysterious Cause which we call "God" or "Chance" often appears so exceedingly blind and deaf that one may be permitted to wonder whether certain crimes are really set apart for punishment, when so many others apparently go scot-free.

So I made a flying leap on to his back and knocked him flat, and the bullet that was meant for him just crossed the back of my coat and ripped it up. Didn't even scratch me!" The little knot of listeners around Martin waited with bated breath for more. "But he didn't escape scot-free after all," continued Martin. "Ten minutes after that he got shot in the leg.

"It doesn't look right to me to let a stage-robber go scot-free " "Well, I tell you, Doc," drawled Mr. Hennage serenely, "it'd better look right to you, an' damned quick at that. You seem to think I'm here a-askin' a favor o' you. Not much. I never ask favors o' no man. I'm just as independent as a hog on ice; if I don't stand up I can set down.